Culture and power

Culture and power

autor Marion Beal -
Počet odpovědí: 0

The culture of power and the power of culture :

This text start talking about the importance of king Louis XIV culture among all the European courts and above all into Germany. All the princes trying to reproduce the French culture of absolutism trough clothes, attitude, language … All this bring to France a sort of hegemony on all Europe.
After that France loose some victories and battles (7 years war …) and they completely loose their hegemony. Why without political power (or at least a less important) it is so complicated to keep the hegemony ?


We can see a difference between France and Germany into the way they became the most important country. The first one made it by a sort of cultural importance and the second one is more trough politic power. But it seems that, the opposition of politic is the culture and conversely. But at the same time culture and power are links. One serve the other.