Text: J.R.R. Tolkien: ‘Leaf by Niggle’ 2
Listen to the following podcast:
Answer the following questions:
1. What is the difference between 'Leaf by Niggle' and other Tolkien's work?
2. In which words does Tolkien refer to the story?
3. What is the basic theme which the short story shares with The Lord of the Rings?
4. What do we know about the way the story was created?
5. How does the author describe the connection between the author's struggle of writing the sequel of The Hobbit and the theme of 'Leaf by Niggle'?
6. What does 'niggle' mean?
7. What kind of painter is Niggle and what kind of writer is Tolkien?
8. What is the 'law' stated by the inspector?
9. Why is the painting by Niggle referred to as 'precious'?
Optional question:
10. Did you agree with everything that was said in the interview or is there something you want to add/modify?