Section outline

  • Kurz je odborně zaměřen na osvojení a praktické využití základních akademických dovedností potřebných pro vysokoškolské prostředí, zejména v oblastech: prezentace, CV, umění argumentace a důležitosti mezinárodní jazykových zkoušek. Studenti se naučí pracovat s Portálem elektronických zdrojů. Dále je systematicky rozšiřována slovní zásoba typická pro akademickou angličtinu.

    The course focuses on acquiring and practical use of essential academic skills necessary for the university environment, especially in the areas: presentation, CV, art of reasoning and the importance of international language exams. Students will learn to work with eRESOURCES available for the students of the Faculty of Education of Charles University. Furthermore, the vocabulary typical of academic English will be systematically expanded.

    • Credit requirements:
      Passing a credit test (one additional retake)
      Giving a presentation (for more information open the attached file)
  • Academic English is the genre of English used in the world of research, study, teaching and universities. If you read an article in an academic journal or listen to someone giving a presentation or a talk about an academic subject in an academic environment, Academic English is probably being used. If you are studying in an English speaking university (or going to) you will need to learn this type of English. Native English speakers also have to learn Academic English too because it is not like the English that is used every day by English speakers. Academic English is different from other types of English and it often has features like these:

    • it uses formal academic language and avoids colloqualisms
    • it usually avoids 'I' and is written in the third person and often uses impersonal structures
    • it is objective and impartial
    • it often uses the passive voice, infinitive structures, and participles
    • there are many references to other writers
    • the texts are well structured
    • there are well developed paragraphs which often start with a strong topic sentence
    • there are linking words which give the text cohesion

    (taken from

  • The eResources Portal of Charles University (also known as PEZ) provides consolidated information about all the electronic resources (also known as ER or eResources) available at Charles University. These eResources are available to students, employees and CU library users with an external service user identity card. The resources are not available to students who interrupted their studies, alumni and former CU staff members.


    ER include databases, eBooks, eJournals, citation managers and academic search engines (e.g. Google Scholar).

    (taken from

    • A few texts found on e-portal to study

    • Finding grammar features typical of Academic English.

      Choose one of the articles and find evidence of Academic English features.

    • Basic vocabulary and phrases a student can use when giving their presentation.

    • You can use some tips from a Canadian professional

    • Identify all the mistakes the presenter made. Explain what is wrong.

    • Make a presentation on the given topic.

      Read the instruction in the attached file and make a presentation.

    • Some of the most obvious mistakes made during presenting

    • There are some tips as to how to write a proper CV in  English. Please click on the link to find out more!

    • Learn the following words and phrases to be able to write a motivational cover letter.

    • Make a CV of your own.

      Based on the materials given above, write a structured CV you could submit to your potential employer.

    • Please click on the link to get the information.

    • Click on the link to get Cambridge sample exams for each level.

    • Click on the link to get sample tests of TOEFL of various level.