English. Focus on Grammar
Section outline
Annotation - Focus on Grammar
This is a one semester course with 2 face-to-face lessons every week with focus on grammar. The students can decide at the beginning of the course which grammar in particular they would like to practice. The students will also be asked to think about their grammar knowledge, about their strong and weak points and what they themselves would like to focus on and according to that set their goals.
- Entry Test - only for your information how many correct answers you can score at the beginning of the course. I will keep your results though, because I would like to compare the results from the beginning with the results you will score when you retake the test at the end of the semester, before you actually take the final test. For this reason the Entry Test IELTS will be accassible for limited time only.
- Discussion on Expectations - A few questions were asked:
- What do you expect from the course, from the teacher and from yourself?
- What is the level of your English? Estimation.
- What particular grammar issues would you like to go through during this semester?
Materials for this particular lesson
Lesson cancelled
Present Tenses
We won't be able to go through all the materials in this lesson as there are also the perfect tenses included, so please, have them ready not only for week 2 but also for week 3.Ā
- Present Simple
- Present Continuous
- Comparison of these two
Materials for this particular lesson
Upload a scan or picture of the particular exercises - Materials: Destination B2 - Unit 2 - Exercises p.8/A and p.10/F and G.
Submit by this Friday 13/3 (including Friday).
I am going to have a look at that.
Present Perfect Tenses
-Ā Present Perfect Simple
- Present Perfect Continuous
- Comparison of these two
- Comparison of Present Tenses and Present Perfect Tenses
Information on the on-line work:
1) Download the material from the previous lesson: Present Time - Destination B2 - Unit 1
2) Study the explanations - Present Tenses (revision) - Present Perfect Tenses
3) Do the Exercise 1 - Present Perfect Tenses: Usage
4) Do the Exercise 2 - Present Perfect Simple x Present Perfect Continuous
5) Do the Exercise 3 - Present Perfect Simple or Continuous x Present Simple or Continuous
6) Complete the exercises in the material:Ā Present Time - Destination B2 - Unit 1 - and practice both Present and Present Perfect: p.8/ex.B,C; p.9/ex.D,E; p.11/ex.I,J
Online work - instead of the cancelled lessons.
Please follow the tasks in the order in which they are set.
Materials for this particular lesson plus the on-line part
Materials for this lesson are the same as for the lesson in week 3 - Destination B2 - Unit 1 - Present Time.
Before doing this exercise study the materials Destionation B2 - Present Time - Unit 1 where you find revision of the present tenses and aslo the explanation for the present perfect.
This exercise practises the rules for usage of present perfect simple and continuous.
This is a drag and drop exercise, which means you need to complete the text about the grammar rules for present perfect tenses with given words, drag the words to the place where you think they belong so that the text, the rules make sence.
There is no time limit.
You have two attempts.
Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form of either Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continous.
There is a time limit of 10 minutes, so make sure you have enough time before starting this exercise.
You have two attempts.
Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct form of Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous, Present Simple or Present Continuous.
There is a time limit of 15 minutes so make sure you have enough time before starting this exercise.
You have two attempts.
Please, upload a completed "homework assignment" - the particular exercises listed above - write in hand, scan or take a picture. I am going to either check the answers with you during our online session or mark your exercises and give them back to you. You should already have some of the exercises completed from the previous homework. You can work with the same materials.
Link to the on-line session on 18-03-2020 at 10:50 - Adobe Connect (find more information in your email, if you haven't recieved one, email me, please)
My plan for the on-line lesson is to:
-Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā check the homework from the previous lessons ā present tenses and present perfect, have the copies from āDestination B2 ā Present time ā Unit 1ā ready with the completed exercises I asked you to complete.
-Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā answer your questions relating to present perfect
-Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā introduce new grammar issue scheduled for this lesson ā Past Tenses + short practice ā please prepare the copies you have now on Moodle ā Destination B2 ā Past time ā Unit 3
Here you have the recording from the session at Adobe Connect on 18-03-2020. Approxamtely minute 4.Ā
The contents of this lesson:
Past tenses - Simple x Continuous
Comparison - Present Perfect x Past
Past Perfect
If we have time - used to (would - for the past) - not done
Information on the on-line work:
If you missed the web-meeting on Adobe Connect on Wednesday 18-03-2020, you can find the recording above - see the link: Adobe Connect - Focus on Grammar 18-03-20 - Recording
At the end of the lesson you can listen to the explanations relating to the usage of the past, you can also have a look at Destionation B2 - Unit 3 - Past Time, where there is the description of the situations in which we use the past - focus only on Past Simple, Past Continous, Past Perfect Simple and Past Perfect Continuous - we didn't do would, used to and be/get used to
Then have a look at the following exercises, the exercises are takenĀ from Destionation B2 - Unit 3 - Past Time: pp. 20 and 21. Therefore, you can prepare the answers before opening the interactive versions:
Exercise A - Past Simple x Past Continuous
Exercise B - Past simple x Past Continuous
Exercise C - Past x Past Perfect
Exercise D - Past Perfect Simple x Past Perfect Continuous
Exercise E - Past mix
At the end there is one more exercise to practise the Past x Present Perfect - Exercise 1
Materials for this particular lesson
On-line Exercises - Follow the given order. You can access another exercise after completing the previous one.
Multiple choice - two options.
There is a time limit of 10 minutes so please make sure you have enough time before starting the exercise.
You have got two attempts.
Destination B2 - Unit 3 - Past Time - p. 20 - exercise B - Past Simple x Past Continuous Quiz
Put the verb in the brackets in the correct form either Past Simple or Past Continuous.
There is a time limit of 15 minutes so make sure you have enough time to complete the exercise.
You have got two attempts.
Destination B2 - Unit 3 - Past Time - p. 20 - exercise C - Past Simple x Past Perfect Simple Quiz
Multiple Choice
Ther is a time limit of 20 minutes so make sure that you have enough time to complete the exercise.
You have got two attempts.
Destination B2 - Unit 3 - Past Time - p. 21 - exercise D - Past Perfect Simple x Past Perfect Continuous Quiz
Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given verbs. Decide between the Past Perfect Simple and Past Perfect Continous.
There is a time limit of 10 minutes so make sure that you have enough time to complete the exercise.
You have got two attempts.
Destination B2 - Unit 3 - Past Time - exercise E - Past Mix Quiz
Multiple Choice - Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
There is a time limit of 8 minutes.
You have got two attempts.
Exercise 1 - Past x Present Perfect Quiz
Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form. Decide among the Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Simple and Past Continuous.
There is a time limit of 20 minutes, so make sure you have enough time to complete the exercise.
You have got two attempts.
How to express future in English: During the Adobe Connect Lesson we are going to have a look at different ways how to express future and when and why are these ways used, as well as the message hidden behind them.
Materials for this particular lesson
On-line work:
Again. Follow the exercises as they are ordered because you have to successfully complete one exercise in order to get access to the following one.Ā
1) You will start with exercise on the rules how to express future in English. In this exercise you will find different examples of sentences expressing future and either match these with definitions or you decide whether the example is correct. We worked with these during the Adobe Connect meeting on Thursday 26/03/2020. I am sorry but there is no recording because during the peek time (between 10 AM and 4 PM) they are not allowed due to the large number of users. However, you can have a look at the material fromĀ Future - First Certificate Language Practice, Vince - U3.
2) After you complete this exercise you will get access to a pdf file where I sum up the rules with the examples from the previous exercise.
3) Finally, there are 3 exercises taken fromĀ Future - First Certificate Language Practice, Vince - U3:Ā p.17/ex.1, p.18/ex.4 and p.18/ex.5.
There are various examples of future. Your task is to either match the example sentences with the kind of future they express or to decide whether the example sentence is correcct.
If one answer appears more than once, follow the order of the numbers. Sometimes the colour will help.
There is a time limit of 30 minutes so make sure you have enough time before starting the exercise.
You have got two attempts.
Chose the correct answer or actually the best/most suitable future form in each sentence.
There is a time limit of 5 minutes for 8 multiple-choice questions.
You have got 2 attempts.
This is a multiple choice exercise. In the text you need to choose the best option A, B, C.
There is a time limit of 10 minutes for 9 tasks.Ā
You have got two attempts.
Put each verb in brackets into a suitable verb form. All sentence refer to future time.
This is a practice fo time clauses so please have a look again at the explanations either my pdf summary or the material from Language Practice for FCE itself.
Do not use contracted forms (e.g. won't), use full forms only (e.g. will not) and as a future form use "will".
There is a time limit of 10 minutes, so make sure you are ready to start the attempt and have studied if needed.
You have got 2 attempts.
In this lesson we are going to focus on the Passive - the form and the use.
Adobe Connect lesson will be on Wednesday 01-04-2020 at 11:00-12:00.
The link to the Adobe Connect lesson is here.
You can have a look at the materials below, but it is not necessary before the lesson. You can have them printed or ready in a pop-up window as we may refer to them during the on-line lesson.
Materials for this particular lesson
On-line Work:
Again. Follow the exercises as they are ordered because you have to successfully complete one exercise in order to get access to the following one. There are also some pdf materials, you need to open it and then refresh the page.
You can open the copies Destionation B2 - U15 - The Passive which can help you.
1) The Passive - Forms and Rules - Interactive Summary
2) The Passive - Forms and Rules - pdf completed version
3) Practice - interactive exercises: all are taken from Destination B2 - U15 - The Passive so you can prepare the answers in advance.
- Destination B2 - U15 - The Passive - p.96/ex. B - short-answer
- Destination B2 - U15 - The Passive - p.96/ex. C - short-answer
- Destination B2 - U15 - The Passive - p.98/ex. G - short-answer
- Destination B2 - U15 - The Passive - p.99/ex. J - drag and drop
In this exercise try to complete the summary on the forms and rules for the passive.
There is a time limit of 40 minutes, but you should not need so much time. There are also two links included to websites with the information on "agent".
You have got two attempts.
The Passive - Forms and Rules - pdf summary File
Exercise - Destination B2 - U15 - The Passive - p.96/ex. B Quiz
Complete the sentences using the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.
There is a time limit of 10 minutes.
You have got two attempts.
Exercise - Destination B2 - U15 - The Passive - p.96/ex. C Quiz
Complete the sentences in the passive according to the given words.
There is a time limit of 12 minutes.
You have got 2 attempts.
Exercise - Destination B2 - U15 - The Passive - p.98/ex. G Quiz
Complete each sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.
There is a timeĀ limit of 6 minutes.
You have got 2 attempts.
Exercise - Destination B2 - U15 - The Passive - p.99/ex. J Quiz
Complete the text with one word only. Drag and drop the given words. There are words you will use than once.
There is a time limit of 12 minutes.
You have got 2 attempts.
In this lesson we are going to focus on the modal verbs especially their use in the past.
Another issue we are going to focus on are the modalities they expres:
- ability
- permission
- advice
- criticism
- obligation and necessity
- degrees of certainity
During the lesson I would like to watch a vidio on youtube which unfortunatelly I am not able to share via Adobe Connect so please be ready to play the vidio on your own (if it is possible for you, of course) I am going to send you a link to the video when we meet on-line. If you cannot take part in the on-line meeting, I will make the link accessible afterwards.
Adobe Connect lesson will be on Wednesday 08-04-2020 at 11:00-12:00.
The link to the Adobe Connect lesson isĀ here.
Work on-line:
Look at the listening section which we used as the introduction of the topic during the on-line session on Wednesday. It is not obligatory to complete these tasks. However, I advice you to have look at it, especially if you could not be present at the on-line lesson.
There is a handout on modal verbs in the past with simple examples and brief explanations plus the material Destination B2 - U13 - Modal Verbs for you to study.
Practice which is obligatory for completion of the course.
p.81/ex.D - Destination B2 - U13 - Modal Verbs
p.81/ex.E - Destination B2 - U13 - Modal Verbs
p.82/ex.F - Destination B2 - U13 - Modal Verbs
p.83/ex.I - Destination B2 - U13 - Modal Verbs
Materials for this particular lesson
Please, print this before the Wednesday lesson. However, do not try to complete or look it up on the Internet. I believe you will not cheat. Thank you. :-)
There is the link to the listening below. If you missed the Wednesday lesson or if you want to return to the listening, listen to the video again. You will also find below the completed text. There are no access restrictions as this is a class activity we did during the online session. Still I believe you will not cheat. :-)
The particular passage you need for the listening starts approximately at 1:25. Listen to the passage for the first time without stopping it and try to complete as much as you can. For the second time make pauses after the gaps in the text.
Try not to access this before you actually try to complete the gap-filling text by yourself
This is a very brief list of examples and explanations how modal verbs are used in the past. Look at it together with the material Destination B2 - U13 - Modal Verbs
Practice - obligatory for completion of the course
Complete each second sentence using the word given, so taht it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.
There is a time limit of 15 minutes.
You have got 2 attempts
Complete the sentences with the given words. There is also the meaning of the modal verbs used in particular examples to help you decide which word should be used. You will use each word only once.
There is a time limit of 10 minutes.
You have got 2 attempts
Choose the correct answer A, B, C, D.
There is a time limit of 10 minutes.
You have got 2 attempts.
Complete the text with the given words. You need to use some of the words more than once.
There is a time limit of 10 minutes.
You have got 2 attempts.
In this unit we are going to start with the conditionals. The focus in this week will be the conditionals 0, 1st and 2nd. We will also get back to the time clauses mentioned in connection with the future.
Adobe Connect lesson will be on Wednesday 15-04-2020 at 11:00-12:00.
The link to the Adobe Connect lesson isĀ here.
Materials for this particular lesson
On-line Work:
1) A PDF with the examples and brief explanations of the Conditionals 0, 1st, 2nd from the Adobe Connect lesson. You can use this material for some study before the practice. Also have a look at the explanations in both materials posted above.
2) Do the exercises on Conditionals 0, 1st and 2nd in any order. There are no access restrictions.
This is a brief summary of examples and explanations which we did during the Adobe lesson.
Complete the sentences with missing words and decide which conditional (0, 1st, 2nd) it is. Drag and Drop + Multiple Choice.
There is a time limit of 15 minutes.
You have got two attempts.
Complete the second sentence so that it is a as similar in meaning as possible to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. Short Answer.
There is a time limit of 10 minutes.
You have got two attempts.
Complete the sentences with the correct verbs. Drag and Drop.
There is a time limit of 8 minutes.
You have got two attempts.
Write sentences using the second conditional. Short Answer.
There is a time limit of 10 minutes.
You have got two attempts.
This week we will continue with the Conditionals, the focus will be on the 3rd and mixed.
Adobe Connect lesson will be on Wednesday 22-04-2020 at 11:00-12:00.
The link to the Adobe Connect lesson isĀ here.
Materials for this particular lesson
The materials are the same as for the previous lesson - Week 9.
The on-line work for this week:
1) Study the material we used during the on-line lesson with brief explanations and summary of all the conditionals commonly used in English.
2) Study also the material from the previous week Destination B2 and Grammar and Vocabulary for FCE on conditionals-
3) Do the exercises in any order you like. There are no restrictions to the access.
Ā Ā Ā Ā Destination B2 - Unit 9 - Conditionals - pp.57-58/ex.F - Short Answer
Ā Ā Ā Ā Destination B2 - Unit 9 - Conditionals - p.58/ex.H - Short Answer
Ā Ā Ā Ā Grammar and Vocabulary for FCE - Unit 5b - Third Conditional - p.84/ex.1 - Short Answer
Ā Ā Ā Ā Grammar and Vocabulary for FCE - Unit 5b - Third Conditional - p.85/ex.3 - Drag and Drop
Read the text and complete the sentences using the third conditional.
DO NOT use contracted forms (e.g. wouldn't), USE only full forms (e.g. would not).
There is a time limit of 15 minutes.
You have got two attempts.
Complete using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Third or Mixed Conditionals.
DO NOT use contracted forms (e.g. wouldn't), USE only full forms (e.g. would not).
USE WAS for the 3rd person singular (I, he, she, it).
There is a time limit of 25 minutes.
You have got two attempts.
Complete these sentences to make appropriate Third Conditional or Mixed Conditional sentence, using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
DO NOT use contracted forms (e.g. wouldn't), USE only full forms (e.g. would not).
There is a time limit ofĀ 30 minutes.
You have got two attempts.
Fill each space in the following text with one suitable word.
Some words can be used more than once.
There is a time limit of 15 minutes.
You have got two attempts.
Optional Practice:
This is only for those who want to practice a bit more. Below you will find a link to a YouTube video which is a mixture of different songs with conditionals together with two handouts, one with gaps and one with completed lyrics. Play the video but do not watch it, because there are the lyrics and then the practice would not make sence. Try to complete the lyrics while listening. It might be difficult, though, as sometimes the songs are quite fast. You can, actually, ask someone to help you and play and stop the video for you. Or you can just listen and watch and see some examples of conditionals in everyday life.
In this week we are going to focus on the relative clauses which are so called restricted relative clauses and also subjective and objective clauses.
Adobe Connect lesson will be on Wednesday 29-04-2020 at 11:00-12:00.
The link to the Adobe Connect lesson isĀ here.
Materials for this particular lesson
Work on-line:
Study again the materials from English Grammar in Use Units 92, 93 and 94 and complete the following exercises. Ypu need to follow the order because the exercises go from the easier one to more difficult ones.
Exercise 1 - Unit 92
Exercise 2 - Unit 93
Exercuse 3 - Unit 94
Complete the exercise which focuses on building relative clauses. There are different kinds of questions.
There is a time limit of 10 minutes.
You have got two attempts.
Exercise 2 - EGIU - Unit 93 Quiz
Complete the following exercises where there are different questions. Any time you do not need to use the relative pronoun, do not use it.
The access is restricted, you need to successfully complete the previous exercise.
There is a time limit of 10 minutes.
You have got two attempts.
Exercise 3 - EGIU - Unit 94 Quiz
Complete the following exercise in which there are different types of questions.
The access is restricted, you need to successfully complete the previous exercise.
There is a time limit of 10 minutes.
You have got two attempts.
Finishing the realtive clauses - focus this time will be on English Grammar in Use Units 95 to 97, extra information or so called non-restritive relative clauses plus a speacial use of -ing and -ed structures.
Adobe Connect lesson will be on Wednesday 06-05-2020 at 11:00-12:00.
The link to the Adobe Connect lesson isĀ here.
Materials for this particular lesson
Work on-line
This week the focus in on the non-restrictive clauses. Just to sum up, the difference from the restrictive ones, which we practised in the previous week, is that with the non-restrictive clauses you:
- use only which or who, cannot use that
- use commas
- never leave out the pronoun, it is always present even in the objective ones
Non-restrictive clauses provide some extra information. We do not have to have this clause in the sentence and we still can understand which person, animal or object we mean.
For the practice there are the following exercises:
1) Exercise 1 - Unit 95 - ex. 2 (short answer) and 3 (drag and drop)
2) Exercise 2 - Unit 96 - ex. 2 (short answer) and 3 (matching)
3) Exercise 3 - Unit 97 - ex. 3 (drag and drop)
There are two parts of this exercise.
In Part 1 (ex.95.2) you need to write in your answers - read the information and complete each sentence, use a relative clause Type 1 (restrictive) or Type 2 (non-restrictive), use commas where necessary.
In Part 2 (ex.95.3) you need to complete the sentences with either who/which or who/which with commas, nothing or just a comma.
There is a time limit of 15 minutes.
You have got two attempts.
There are two parts in this exercise.
In Part 1 (ex. 96.2) you need to write in your answers - use the information from the first sentence to complete the second sentence. (short answer)
In Part 2 (ex. 96.3) you need to match beginnings and endings of sentences so that it makes sence. (matching)
There is a time limit of 15 minutes.
You have got two attempts.
There is only one part (ex.97.3) in which you need to comlete the sentences with the given words in either -ing or -ed forms. (drag and drop)
There is a time limit of 5 minutes.
You have got two attempts.
This is a substituion for the cancelled lesson at the beginning the semester when I was ill.
The focus is on prepositions. As prepositions are mostly a matter of vocabulary and there is not much to explain, there are materials for you to study and one exercise to practice the most common prepositional phrases / collocations.
Another part of this section is the IELTS test from the beginning of the course. The test is not exactly the same but it focuse on the same issues as the one you took during the first lesson. This is only for you to compare the results from the beginning and the results you have now.
Materials for this particular lesson
This whole lesson is optional, it is not the requirement for successful completion of the course.
Work on-line
In the following exercise there are three text which you need to complete with the prepositions from a few suggested ones. They are the exercises from Grammar and Vocabulary for FCE - p. 249/ex.4, p.251/ex.3 and p.256/ex.3.
Complete the texts with the given prepositions.
There is a time limit of 30 minutes.
You have got two attempts.
This is a similar test (tests the same issues) to the test you took at the beginning of the semester. You should have your results. Take this test, compare the results from the first test and see if you made progress. Hopefully, you did. :-)
There are 50 multiple-choice (3 choices) questions. There is always one correct answer. The questions are mixed, which means that it does not have to start with the esiest issues or that the questions are not ordered according to what issue they test (e.g. tenses do not need to follow each other).
There is a time limit of 30 minutes.
You have got two attempts, just in case you need the other one.
There are no minimal requirements.
Final Test
- will be based on the grammar we went throught in this course and on the materials with which we worked
- will be made accessible on 13-05-2020 but will stay open for you to complete it until necessary, so do not worry you will have enough time to complete the course
Adobe Connect lesson will be on Wednesday 13-05-2020 at 11:00-12:00.
The link to the Adobe Connect lesson isĀ here.
I am available for those who have questions before or after the test. Otherwise, work on the final test.
This is the final test closing this course.
here are four exercises (3 short-answer ones, 1 drag and drop), altogether there are 40 tasks.
You need 60% of correct answers to pass (it is 24 points).
There is a time limit of 60 minutes.
You have got 3 attempts.