Week 4 - 11-03-20 - Present Perfect Tenses
Section outline
Upload a scan or picture of the particular exercises - Materials: Destination B2 - Unit 2 - Exercises p.8/A and p.10/F and G.
Submit by this Friday 13/3 (including Friday).
I am going to have a look at that.
Present Perfect Tenses
- Present Perfect Simple
- Present Perfect Continuous
- Comparison of these two
- Comparison of Present Tenses and Present Perfect Tenses
Information on the on-line work:
1) Download the material from the previous lesson: Present Time - Destination B2 - Unit 1
2) Study the explanations - Present Tenses (revision) - Present Perfect Tenses
3) Do the Exercise 1 - Present Perfect Tenses: Usage
4) Do the Exercise 2 - Present Perfect Simple x Present Perfect Continuous
5) Do the Exercise 3 - Present Perfect Simple or Continuous x Present Simple or Continuous
6) Complete the exercises in the material: Present Time - Destination B2 - Unit 1 - and practice both Present and Present Perfect: p.8/ex.B,C; p.9/ex.D,E; p.11/ex.I,J
Online work - instead of the cancelled lessons.
Please follow the tasks in the order in which they are set.
Materials for this particular lesson plus the on-line part
Materials for this lesson are the same as for the lesson in week 3 - Destination B2 - Unit 1 - Present Time.
Before doing this exercise study the materials Destionation B2 - Present Time - Unit 1 where you find revision of the present tenses and aslo the explanation for the present perfect.
This exercise practises the rules for usage of present perfect simple and continuous.
This is a drag and drop exercise, which means you need to complete the text about the grammar rules for present perfect tenses with given words, drag the words to the place where you think they belong so that the text, the rules make sence.
There is no time limit.
You have two attempts.
Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form of either Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continous.
There is a time limit of 10 minutes, so make sure you have enough time before starting this exercise.
You have two attempts.
Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct form of Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous, Present Simple or Present Continuous.
There is a time limit of 15 minutes so make sure you have enough time before starting this exercise.
You have two attempts.
Please, upload a completed "homework assignment" - the particular exercises listed above - write in hand, scan or take a picture. I am going to either check the answers with you during our online session or mark your exercises and give them back to you. You should already have some of the exercises completed from the previous homework. You can work with the same materials.