Section outline

    • In this lesson we are going to focus on the modal verbs especially their use in the past.

      Another issue we are going to focus on are the modalities they expres:

      • ability
      • permission
      • advice
      • criticism
      • obligation and necessity
      • degrees of certainity

      During the lesson I would like to watch a vidio on youtube which unfortunatelly I am not able to share via Adobe Connect so please be ready to play the vidio on your own (if it is possible for you, of course) I am going to send you a link to the video when we meet on-line. If you cannot take part in the on-line meeting, I will make the link accessible afterwards.

    • Adobe Connect lesson will be on Wednesday 08-04-2020 at 11:00-12:00.

      The link to the Adobe Connect lesson isĀ here.

    • Work on-line:

      Look at the listening section which we used as the introduction of the topic during the on-line session on Wednesday. It is not obligatory to complete these tasks. However, I advice you to have look at it, especially if you could not be present at the on-line lesson.

      There is a handout on modal verbs in the past with simple examples and brief explanations plus the material Destination B2 - U13 - Modal Verbs for you to study.

      Practice which is obligatory for completion of the course.

      p.81/ex.D - Destination B2 - U13 - Modal Verbs

      p.81/ex.E - Destination B2 - U13 - Modal Verbs

      p.82/ex.F - Destination B2 - U13 - Modal Verbs

      p.83/ex.I - Destination B2 - U13 - Modal Verbs

    • Materials for this particular lesson

    • Please, print this before the Wednesday lesson. However, do not try to complete or look it up on the Internet. I believe you will not cheat. Thank you. :-)

      There is the link to the listening below. If you missed the Wednesday lesson or if you want to return to the listening, listen to the video again. You will also find below the completed text. There are no access restrictions as this is a class activity we did during the online session. Still I believe you will not cheat. :-)

    • The particular passage you need for the listening starts approximately at 1:25. Listen to the passage for the first time without stopping it and try to complete as much as you can. For the second time make pauses after the gaps in the text.

    • Try not to access this before you actually try to complete the gap-filling text by yourself

    • This is a very brief list of examples and explanations how modal verbs are used in the past. Look at it together with the material Destination B2 - U13 - Modal Verbs

    • Practice - obligatory for completion of the course

    • Complete each second sentence using the word given, so taht it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

      There is a time limit of 15 minutes.

      You have got 2 attempts

    • Complete the sentences with the given words. There is also the meaning of the modal verbs used in particular examples to help you decide which word should be used. You will use each word only once.

      There is a time limit of 10 minutes.

      You have got 2 attempts

    • Choose the correct answer A, B, C, D.

      There is a time limit of 10 minutes.

      You have got 2 attempts.

    • Complete the text with the given words. You need to use some of the words more than once.

      There is a time limit of 10 minutes.

      You have got 2 attempts.