Aperçu des sections

  • Annotation

    The goal of the course is to explore the relationship between the experience of ageing and structural constraints with particular focus on the social inequalities during the life-course. The first part of the course addresses the process of populational ageing (especially in European countries), its interpretations and impact on social policy and social representations of ageing. The second part the course introduces the life-course perspective and intersectional approaches and focuses on the analysis of the diversity of the experience of ageing and various forms of social inequalities in older age.

  • 1.The different ways of understanding demography

  • 2. Model of First and Second demographic transitions

  • 3. Populational ageing – impact on social policy and social representation of older age

  • 4.Theories explaining the decrease in fertility rates: theories of individualization

  • 5. Gender equity in theories of fertility transition

  • 6. Demographic trends and family policies in the Czechoslovakia and Czech Republic in historical perspective

  • 7. Life-course perspective. Theories of (de)standardization of the life-course

  • 8. Social representations of old age and ageing body

  • 9. Feminist gerontology

  • 10. Discourses of active/healthy/successful ageing

  • 11. The concept of Fourth age

  • 12. Gender, poverty and the life-course

  • 13. Intersectional approached in the study of ageing

  • 14. Gender, care and intergenerational relationships