Osnova sekce

  • November 10, 2017


    The Hasidic background of Heschel´s religious philosophy

    “The Baal Shem dwelled in my life like a lamp, while the Kotzker struck like lightning.”


    Samuel H. Dresner, Heschel, Hasidism, and Halakha. New York, 2002, pp. 36-83


    Samuel H. Dresner, Heschel as a Hasidic Scholar, in: Abraham J. Heschel, The Circle of the Baal Shem Tov. Studies in Hasidism. Chicago and London, 1985, pp. vii-xlv


    Milan Lyčka, A Quest for Holiness. The Hasidic Background of A. J. Heschel’s Philosophy of Religion (to be published in 2018)