19 April - 25 April
Section outline
Oil-related economy: Resource curse or economic boon?
Mandatory Readings :
- Nikiforuk, Tar Sands, Dirty Oil and the Future of a COntinent, 2010, pdf .
- Oil sands and Keystone XL: Overview and Recent developemnt, Congressional research service, http://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R43787.pdf
- Clifford Krauss, “Oil Prices: What is Behind the Drop?” (Links to an external site.) The New York Times (6 January 2016).
Highly recommended:
Daniel Yergin. The Quest: Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World, 2011, Introduction and Conclusion and "unconventional" chapters (pdf below). The hard copy of the book is available in the library.
Steve Coll, Private Empire:ExxonMobile and AMerican power, 2013. available in the library.
- Recommended readings:
- Terry Lyn Karl, "Ensuring Fairness: the case for a Transparent Fiscal Social Contract", in Escaping the Resource Curse, pp. 1256-285, see below.
- R. Dobb, Oppenheim, "Reverse the curse: Maximizing the potential of resource-driven economies", McKinsey Global Institute Report, December 2013, Only the Executive Summary available at http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/energy_resources_materials/reverse_the_curse_maximizing_the_potential_of_resource_driven_economies
Clayton Blake, “The Link Between Oil Prices and the U.S. Macroeconomy”, Georgetown Journal of International Afairs, 14.2. (Summer 2013), pdf
- Fareed Zakaria. "Mile by Mile, Into the Oil Trap",The Washington Post, 22 August 2005. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/08/22/AR2005082201114.html.
- Terry Karl, Oil-Led Development: Social, Political, and Economic Consequences, CDDRL Working Papers, January 2007, available at fsi.stanford.edu/publications/oilled_development_social_political_and_economic_consequences/
Further readings
- Daniel Drache, “Introduction,” in Harold A. Innis, Staples, Markets, and Cultural Change Montreal: McGill-Queen’s, 1995, xiii-liii.
- Keith Brownsey, "The New Oil Order: The Post Staples Paradigm and the Canadian Upstream Oil and Gas Industry", Canadian Political Science Review Vol 1(1) June 2007 (pp. 91-106 of the .pdf document).
- Robert Kunzig: The Canadian Oil Boom, National Geographic, March 2009, available at http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2009/03/canadian-oil-sands/kunzig-text.html
- For a complementary view please check out the report prepared by the Canadian Petroleum Producers at http://www.capp.ca/aboutUs/mediaCentre/CAPPCommentary/Pages/NationalGeographic,March2009Issue.aspx#Bb1kVNFWNb2O.
Newsletter: - Nikiforuk, Tar Sands, Dirty Oil and the Future of a COntinent, 2010, pdf .