Osnova sekce

    • Lecture notes implicitly invite the following tasks:

      • Verify the function of the circuit ABC for the one-qubit controlled operator
      • Verify the equivalence of two distinct ways of multiplication by e^{i\alpha}
      • Verify the function of two-controlled operator
      • Verify the equivalence of the two-controlled gate and the one-controlled gate with the CNOT
      • Verify the ``control by zero'' with help of two X-gates
      • Try all square roots of negation
      • (You can also try other functions applied to an operator. For instance, what e^{i A}, where A is a normal operator looks like?)
      • Verify the function of the two-level operator U and its equivalence with the uncontrolled operator M
      • Make sure you understand the transformation of the complicated two-level operator to the simple one
      • Make sure you understand the ``unitary Gaussian elimination''.