Osnova sekce

    • 1) Choose a topic of interest to you concerning any of English-speaking countries. (Do not hesitate to choose any of the topics available on moodle, WHICH WE HAVEN'T DISCUSSED YET).

      2) Do some research relying on ENGLISH LANGUAGE sources. 

      3) Prepare a presentation (15 min) (Try not to exceed the time limit as we have 3 presentations per session and we need time for discussion - at least 30 min, preferably 45 min)

      4) Write a short description of your presentation/an abstract ( around 250-300 words). It is supposed to be a summary of the main points covered in your presentation, NOT an essay. 

      Also include a glossary/vocabulary file - key words for your topic, also you might include general English phrases used for academic purposes - verbs you rarely use in writing/speaking etc. Indicate the sources you have used.

      5) Choose whether you want to speak on zoom during our session or you prefer to pre-record it and send it to me 2 days before your presentation is scheduled. In that case I will send the file to the whole group. We will start watching it at the beginning of the class (naturally your audience is free to do it beforehand, but if there is no time you can start when our class begins, and we will connect 15 min later - or 30/45 if more people choose to record their presentations.) 

      6) You can prepare a PPT presentation, but it is NOT required. You can record an audio/video file, as you prefer. 

      7) It is crucial that you SPEAK, not read. It doesn't have to be word perfect, it's supposed to be an opportunity to practice. 

      I am looking forward to your presentations and the follow-up discussions!

      Upload the abstracts here.