Osnova sekce

  • Pick one of the texts:

    Read either about up-to-date research:
    Boo, Z., Dörnyei, Z., & Ryan, S. (2015). L2 motivation research 2005–2014: Understanding a publication surge and a changing landscape. System, 55, 147–157.

    Questions for text 1: (Boo et al., 2015)
    1. What type of research prevails in motivation research?
    2. What langauges are studied most intensively?
    3. What sector of education serves as the most frequent research context?
    4. What are some potential research directions suggested by the authors?
    5. If you had to do a study on motivation, how would you approach it? (What language, what context, what methodology?)


    Amy S. Thompson & Zeynep Erdil-Moody (2016). Operationalizing multilingualism: language learning motivation in Turkey, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 19:3, 314-331, DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2014.985631

    Questions for text 2 (Thompson & Erdil-Moody, 2016)

    1. What are some features of multilingual people compared to monolinguals?
    2. What is perceived positive language interaction?
    3. What was the aim of the study?
    4. Who were the particpants?
    5. Summarize the answers to the 5 research questions in 1 sentence for each.

    Futher reading (optional)

    Dörnyei, Z. (2005). Motivation and Self-Motivation. The psychology of the language learner: Individual differences in second language acquisition. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 65–90.