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Open course index
Faculty of Humanities
Master's Programmes
Gender Studies
English Courses
Social Policy Analysis
6. Key concepts used while developing social policies – the example of the definition of poverty
6. Key concepts used while developing social policies – the example of the definition of poverty
Section outline
5. Conceptual frameworks of current social policy
7.Challeges of current Czech social policy
5. Conceptual frameworks of current social policy
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1. The welfare state debates
2. Formulating social policies – the role of cultural, economic and political context
3. Key actors in social policy
4. Data and analytical tools
5. Conceptual frameworks of current social policy
7.Challeges of current Czech social policy
8. Gendered dimension of social policy
9. Family policies in Czechoslovakia and Czech Republic in historical perspective
10. Work-life balance policies
11. Development of childcare policies
12. The social organization of institutional and informal care
13. Czech family policy in comparative perspective
14. Social policy challenges throughout the world
7.Challeges of current Czech social policy