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Open course index
Faculty of Humanities
Master's Programmes
Gender Studies
Gender and the Body
10. Body Transformations and Body Integrity
10. Body Transformations and Body Integrity
Section outline
9. Eating Bodies and Body Assemblages
11. Body Capacity and Debility in Neoliberalism
9. Eating Bodies and Body Assemblages
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Main course page
1. Body and Embodiment in Feminist Theory and Activism
2. Bodies, State Power and Colonialism
3. Bodies in Science
4. Écriture féminine
5. Embodied Rememberance and the Method of Memory Work
6. The Performative Mattering of Sex and Gender
7. Trans* Bodies and the Transactions of Bodies and Places
8. Affected and Affective Bodies
9. Eating Bodies and Body Assemblages
11. Body Capacity and Debility in Neoliberalism
12. Soundings and Laughter
13. Memory Work and Body Re-enactments
14. Final Review
11. Body Capacity and Debility in Neoliberalism