Section outline

  • Introductions; Education vocabulary.

    Assignment for Week 2: Do the moodle activities and quizzes. Get a copy of the textbook (electronic or real-life): Brook-Hart, G., Jakeman, V. Complete IELTS Bands 5-6.5 (Students' Book), CUP, 2012. 

    Textbook activity: Read the text on culture shock on pp. 10-11 and prepare your answers to questions 1-13 in exercises 5+6. Get ready for an in-class discussion of culture shock.

    • Take this test to see whether you are ready to enrol in this course. If your grade is lower than 6 points, you should re-consider enrolment in this course or revise extensively from the following textbook: Brook-Hart, G., Jakeman, V. Complete IELTS Bands 4 -5 (Students' Book), CUP, 2012

    • Match the collocations 1-9 with their meaning (a-i)

    • Read the following article and answer the related questions in the test below.

    • Answer these statements based on the text on the differences between distance or face-to-face learning.

    • Due: вторник, 15 октября 2024, 23:00

      Answer the following questions. Write 220-250 words.

      Q: How has teaching and learning transformed over the past few years? Describe your personal experience. Do you do a significant amount of online learning? Is it challenging for you in any way? How? Do you use any AI tools? Which ones and why? How do you feel about it? Why? 

      Before you write your response, read the following article and briefly react to it:

      Deadline: Oct. 8, 11 p.m.

      React to one of your colleague's texts. Choose one that has not yet been taken.

      Deadline: Oct. 15, 11 p.m.

  • Textbook activity for our class on October 16: 

    Unit 1: Study the vocabulary on p. 12 and do the related textbook exercises. Study the Key grammar of this unit - making comparisons - on p.100 and do the related exercise on p. 16. You can ignore the writing and speaking sections of Unit 1 as these are not relevant to our B2exam preparation. 

    Unit 2: Do the reading comprehension exercise on pp.18-19. Check your answers with the key. Prepare any questions regarding the text for our in-class discussion on Oct.16.

    When you have completed the textbook preparation, please check your progress in the Moodle activities and write your answers to the forum.

    • Do the vocabulary exercises on p. 12 in our textbooks. Then complete these questions with problem or trouble.

    • Do the vocabulary exercises on p. 12 in our textbooks. Then complete these questions with affect or effect.

    • Study the rules for making comparisons on p. 16 and p. 100. Prepare your answers for our next session (Week 3).

    • Interactive quiz deadline:  October 15, 11 p.m.

      The assignment will expire soon after that, so don't miss this chance to practice your comparative and superlatives!

    • Unit 1 - Listening for those who missed the class: Look at exercises 1-5 on pp. 8-9 and complete your answers to the listening comprehension tasks. Check your answers with the key.

      Track 1

    • Read the article on pp. 18 and 19 and answer the questions in exercise 7 on p. 19. Do not write more than 250 words. Deadline: October 15, 11 p.m. After you publish your ideas, choose 1 of your colleagues' answers and react to it (again, no more than 250 words). 2nd deadline: October 22, 11 p.m.

    • As was stated last week, the faculty B2 exam is based on the IELTS test. I recommend using this source for autonomous practice and useful tips. 

      Listening: focus only on sections 3+4

      Writing: Focus only on Writing Task 2

  • Highlighted

    Textbook activity:

    Please make sure you check the word formation rules on p.100. Do exercise 1+4 on p. 21 and check with the key. Do the Listening exercises on p. 20, ex.3. Before you write the essay, please check the writing instructions in the attached materials in moodle.

    • This is a must-see 4-minute Ted Talk by a 11-year-old. How to make a difference. Very much in support of organic farming:)

    • Study the rules for word formation on pp. 100-101. Do exercise 4 on p.21 and then complete the sentences in this quiz using the correct form of the word in the brackets.

    • Prepare your answers to these 2 exercises. We will check them together in class.

    • Another fun QUIZ! Practice your word formation skills. Until October 22! 

    • Unit 2 - Listening on p. 20, ex. 3. Check your answers with the key.

    • Please take this test after you have completed the revision tasks on pp. 26-27.

    • Read through this material before you write your essay. It contains a summary of the most problematic points we have come across in essays written for our courses. 

    • This website offers brilliant tools for essay writing and generally Ielts preparation. 

    • Please check this link in order to practice the use of linking expressions before you write your essay.

    • Opened: среда, 23 октября 2019, 00:00
      Due: вторник, 22 октября 2024, 23:00

      Write an essay of 220-250 words. You can choose either the topic on p. 25, exercise 8 or the following topic:

      Some people say that in the modern world it is very difficult for people to have a healthy lifestyle. Others, however, say that it is easy for people to be healthy and fit if they want to be.

      Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

      Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge and experience.

      Deadline: October 22, 11 p.m.

      Name your uploaded file like this: essay1_Name

      Don't forget to set your document language to English - to prevent spelling mistakes. Refer to all of the writing tips in moodle before you start writing.

      Don't forget to organize your ideas in paragraphs (3-5). Indent the first line of each paragraph OR insert a space between the paragraphs.