Kritériá (podľa Cross & Parker)

Přehledová studie různých kritérií, které lze použít ve výzkumu malých skupin.

Relationships revealing collaborative capacity


  • How often do you talk with the following people regarding <topic x>?

  • How much do you typically communicate with each person relative to others in the group?


  • How frequently have you acquired information necessary to do your work from this person in the past three months?

  • Please indicate the extent to which each person provides you with information you use to accomplish your work.

  • From whom do you typically seek work-related information?

  • To whom do you typically give work-related information?

Problem solving

  • Whom do you typically turn to for help in thinking through a new or challenging problem at work?

  • How effective is each person in helping you to think through new or challenging problems at work?


  • Whom are you likely to turn to in order to discuss a new or innovative idea?

Forcing progress

  • Who is the engine of the team?

Time spent

  • Please indicate the typical amount of time you spend preparing for and in interaction with each person below.

Relationships revealing network potential (KM)

Knowledge awareness

  • I understand this person's knowledge and skills. This does not necessarily mean that I have these skills or am knowledgeable in these domains but that I understand what skills this person has and domains they are knowledgeable in.


  • When I need information or advice, this person is generally accessible to me within a sufficient amount of time to help me solve my problem.


  • If I ask this person for help, I can feel confident that he or she will actively engage in problem solving with me.


  • Please indicate the extent to which you feel personally comfortable asking this person for information or advice on work-related topics.


  • Please provide an estimate below for the typical time saved per month as a result of information, advice or other resources received from each person.

Relationships revealing network rigidity / problems

Decision making

  • Please indicate whom you turn to for input prior to making an important decision.

Communicate more

  • I would be more effective in my work if I were able to communicate more with this person.

Task flow

  • Please indicate the extent to which people listed below provide you with inputs necessary to do your job.

  • Please indicate the extent to which you distribute outputs from your work to the people listed below.

Power or Influence

  • Please, indicate the extent to which you consider each person listed below to be influential at [company]

  • 2 typy konformity - vyhovění, internalizace (Kelman 1953)

  • názorový vůdci

Relationships revealing organizational Well Being and Supportiveness


  • Please, indicate how much you like each person.


  • Indicate, whom do you consider your personal friend.

Carrier support

  • Who contributed to your professional growth and development (include those who have taken an active interest).

Personal support

  • Please indicate the people you turn to for personal support, you work is going poorly, a project is falling , or you are frustrated with certain decisions.


  • Indicate people, who has your best interest in mind.


  • When you interact with each person below, how does it typically affect your energy level?

Building inclusion

  • Who makes you feel part of the family?

Naposledy změněno: sobota, 3. srpna 2013, 14.30