There are a lot of ways of expressing your own or somebody else´s opinion. To express what you think and feel about a particular thing, you can also use the following phrases:

I think that/ I don´t think that

I think that the sculpture piece combines too many different materials.

In my opinion/ in my view

In my opinion the artist used such a topic as to shock the audience.

I would figure that

I would figure that he never sold a piece.

I feel/ I don´t feel

I would say that/ I wouldn´t say that

I feel that there should be something more than a perfect design. I would say the concept is kind of weak.

I believe/ I don´t believe that

I believe he could choose a different media for this theme.

As I see it…

As I see it there was no other way of making such a complex thing.

It seems to me/ It doesn´t seem to me…

It seems to me that she was under a strong influence of her teacher.

From my point of view….

From my point of view this is not art, it is a kitschy thing worth nothing.

Personally, I think/ I don´t think

Personally, I think he is just making fun out of people and art theoreticians.

When other people express their opinions you can react in the following way:

I agree./ I don´t agree.

I think so too./ I don´t think so either.

I hope so./ I hope not.

That is just what I was thinking/ It is not exactly what I was thinking.

I am sure that / I am not sure that…

It is true./ It isn´t true.

What he means/ what she wants to say is that…..

What he means is that she never worked in more media than just painting. And he is right (he is not right. I agree/ I don´t agree).

Some people say/ think that -

Some people think that he was the first to use large photography and installation at the same time. But I don´t agree ( it is not true/ I don´t think so/ I am not sure).

It is said/ thought that

He is thought by many theoreticians to be the first one who started assembling found objects and calling them art. And I agree (I think so too/ this is what I was thinking/ I am sure of it/ It is true).

Zuletzt geändert: Samstag, 3. August 2013, 14:30