Linking words and passive phrases

The viper was thought to ...... but now we know that ...

Despite the fact that/ In spite of the fact that ...... the weasel used to be considered to......

Although/ even though/ even if....... the viper was said to .....

Meanwhile/ While/ Whereas nowadays we do know that...... in the Medieval times the rat was supposed to....

Unlike its contemporary image.... the Medieval ...... was regarded as.....

On the other hand it was supposed to.....

It was not thought a nice and friendly beast. On the contrary, it was thought to be extremely dangerous. However/ Nevertheless, we can not see it much in the art at that time.

In comparison to ..... the basilisc was never portrayed as......

Intensifiers/ Modifiers

To intensify or modify the meaning of words you can use the following words (in bold letters):

a very contemporary image of....

a far more elaborate imagery.....

much more detailed than....

so expressive that ...

absolutely fantastic depiction of .....

an extremely long line in front of the museum...

a totally stupid portrayal ....

an utterly black background ...

pretty much the same concept ....

a rather complicated concept of

a slightly distorted object

a somewhat blurred photo

a bit confused audience

a kind of/ a sort of old times looking model

Последнее изменение: суббота, 3 августа 2013, 14:30