
Suffix:   -tion

/ˌpɜːmjʊˈteɪʃən/ listen

1) Algebra:

The permutation means the action of rearrangement of the elements for another in a set. More formally: The permutation π in Sn is defined as a bijection from a set Sn onto itself. All permutations of a set with n elements create a symmetric group Sn, where the group operation is function composition. It holds four group axioms for two permutations π and σ in Sn: closure, identity, invertibility, and associativity. The composition of two permutations is not commutative.

2) Combinatorics:

The permutation stands for a number of combinations when the order does not matter following this formula:



This notation means σ(1) = 2, σ(2) = 5, σ(3) = 4, σ(4) = 3, and σ(5) = 1

This figure depicts the graphical illustration of the notation.

Similar words
to permutate     /'pəːmjʊteɪt/         verb
permutability    /pəˌmjuːtə'bɪlɪti/    noun           condition of being permutable
permutable       /pər'mjutəbəl/       adjective    it is possible to permutate it
permutant         /pə'mjuːtənt/         noun           the result from permutation
permutated       /'pəːmjʊteɪtɪd/      adjective    it has been subjected to permutation
permutating      /'pəːmjʊteɪtɪŋ/      adjective    undergoing permutation

Related terms
Even permutation
Odd permutation

From French permutation, Latin permūtātiōn-, permūtātiō, Anglo-Norman permutacioun, Anglo-Norman and Middle French permutacion


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