3.4 Standards for Different Research Approaches
Besides general guidelines (such as PRISMA), there are also discipline- or approach specific standards. Using such standards will increase the quality and methodological integrity of your research.
Most of the empirical studies in social sciences or medicine falls within the broad categories of quantitative research (Quant), qualitative research (Qual), or mixed methods research (Mixed). That is why American Psychological Association, a leading scientific and professional organization in the United States, developed a set of guidelines covering these three research approaches. APA Style JARS (Journal Article Reporting Standards) are useful tools for conducting high quality research.
In this activity, you can either use a research standard relevant in your field of study, or just use one of the following JARS that is most appropriate for your thesis:
- Look at the JARS–Quant when you collect your data in numerical form or report them through statistical analyses.
- Use JARS–Qual when you collect your data in the form of natural language and expression.
- Use JARS–Mixed when your thesis combines both quantitative and qualitative methods.
Return to the discussion forum in learning activity 3.3. Add another post (as a response to your own previous post) explaining one or more possible strategies to improve the description of methodology of your thesis, inspired by the relevant methodological standard.