Organic Food

Organic Food

von Vanda Kokošková -
Number of replies: 1

How popular is organic food in your country?

I would say that organic food is not exactly popular, because of the price. But for me and I believe that for a lot of other people too, food is more attractive with "organic" label on it, unfortunately it is not accessible for the masses on daily basis. Also according to the article, eating organic food is actually not that important to health, other factors like amount of sunlight or distance of transportation matters.

Do you think people should be encouraged to eat organic food? Why?/Why not?
I think its more important to have a choice and maybe be educated to some extent about what we consume. But as I said already, we are more attracted to food with "organic"/"bio" or "high protein" or even things with "eko" stamps on them, even though it can be only a marketing move, so we should always check the whole label to decide, if its really worth the money.

164 Wörter

In reply to Vanda Kokošková

Re: Organic Food

von Kateřina Becková -
I agree with your opinions. That "organic" label is what we don´t wanna pay if we don´t have assurance of authenticity. We live in the age of disinformation and these labels are sometimes only fake. Same situation is with meat or clothes. And as I said in today´s class: "Organic food is only one piece of puzzle of healthy being."
Society is evolving and we have more choices not only because of the open market, but also because of current trends in social media. Vegan or vegetarian bistro´s or restaurants are more accessible now than 5 years ago. Also consume is getting bigger, in all areas, but food waste is still one of the most useless things.

117 Wörter