organic food

organic food

by Pavel Podrápský -
Number of replies: 1

Organic food in Czech Republic is getting more popular every year and the number of the eco people is gradually rising. The economy crisis forced people to think much more about food and because organic food is more expensive than the normal one, I think the increase became slower. However, the organic food, recycling and other eco healthy stuff is still very popular and it is getting bigger. And it is not just about buying organic food in malls, people also started growing their own organic and homemade food. I think it is much more a thing of following trends rather than the actual minding about the health. But I am not here to say why people do it.

It is a question of money and there are many people who can´t live like this. So, I think the solution must be more institutional and slow and if we want healthy food for everybody it must become cheaper than it is now. I mean – one day organic food may be the only food people could buy, but it could be just my utopistic dream. Everybody deserves good life standard, so it would be nice if the organic food became more accessible. People should be encouraged to eat organic food but not ashamed for not doing so. However, I think the best way is to have your own garden, where you can grow your own vegetables and fruits, but it is again expensive and not everybody is that lucky to have their own garden.

253 words

In reply to Pavel Podrápský

Re: organic food

by Ella Hladíková -
Hello, I agree with you completely! It's a shame that organic food is not more affordable. And this shows that changing how those crops are grown is only one part because they are expensive then. I agree having a garden (or at least a few pots with cherry tomatoes) is a convenient way to access organic food. However, it's also time-consuming and sometimes physically demanding, so not everyone can do that. And also, you can't grow fruit and vegetables in winter, can you? But I agree - my family grows our own vegetables as well!

95 words