online learning

online learning

autor Vanda Kokošková -
Počet odpovědí: 0

How has teaching and learning transformed over the past couple of years? Describe your personal experience.
Over the past couple of years, teaching and learning have undergone a profound transformation, largely caused by the global pandemic and lockdowns. Personally, this shift has been evident in my higher education experience. The forced lockdown necessitated a swift transition to distance learning, prompting educators and students alike to adapt to virtual platforms.

Is there anything positive the forced lockdown and distance learning has brought to higher education?

I think that because of the lockdown, teachers are now, years after the lockdowns, using progressively more technology and online teaching, at least partially. Online learning tools and platforms have become more sophisticated, offering interactive and engaging experiences. The accessibility of resources has improved, allowing for a more flexible and personalized learning environment.

Do you do a significant amount of online learning?

As someone who now engages in a significant amount of online learning, the virtual space has taken on a new meaning. It represents a gateway to knowledge that overcome geographical boundaries. Online learning has made education more inclusive, allowing individuals from diverse backgrounds to participate and contribute.

What does online learning mean to you?

While the forced transition to online learning posed challenges initially, it has opened ways for lifelong learning and continuous skill development.

For me, as for every other student who lives far from the university, is online learning a great tool and it allowed me to spend more time with my family especially during the lockdown. I hope universities will adapt to hybrid learning in the future.