Presentation 2

Presentation 2

autor Kateřina Hermanová -
Počet odpovědí: 0

Specific phrases and words:

The paradox

It has the potential to answer this question.

Tend to be.

Collect quite a lot of data.

Wide variation in age, income, education, marital status

Mind wandering

One fact we can take advantage of

The cause has to come before the effect.

Consistent with the idea

Ranging from

Mind wandering is ubiquitous.

Speaker’s presentation skills:

The speaker’s presentation skills are very good. He makes the audience laugh a few times but still manages to get his point across and speaks very clearly and confidently.

What’s the presentation about:

The speaker talks about our happiness and mind wandering. Even though we may believe that mind wandering can be beneficial while doing some unpleasant activity, the data suggests otherwise. He also promotes his app and questions whether mind wandering leads directly to unhappiness.