Julie - The Silent Way

Julie - The Silent Way

von Julie Sedlářová -
Number of replies: 8

Key words:

  • The T is mostly silent
  • Ss speak a lot —> student centered
  • Ss discover
  • repetition
  • colorful material
  • freedom of Ss
  • cooperation
  • gestures
  • functional vocabulary



In reply to Julie Sedlářová

Re: Julie - The Silent Way

von Eva Neuhöferová -

Dear Julča :-),

I think your observation sheet includes the most important points of this method. 

Your keywords are clear and brief.

Especially I like these points very much: Activities - function of encouraging and shaping student oral response without oral instruction. The T can just point at someone and nod to let them know they are right.

In reply to Julie Sedlářová

Re: Julie - The Silent Way

von Anna Rakovanová -

Dear Julča,


Your observation sheet is well arranged, I like that all the principles are brief and clear. I especially appreciate that you included these ones: function of encouraging and shaping student oral response without oral instruction, quality over quantity, problem solving and freedom to choose. 

All the key words represent the method properly, I particularly like that you consider cooperation to be one of the important features. Maybe you can add gestures and functional vocabulary to your key words if you want to.

In terms of the advantages and disadvantages, you found many in both groups. It is good to realize the disadvantages such as time-consuming and better in small groups, which you mentioned. 

I like that you noted the activity at the end of the sheet, it can be useful for you in your teaching.

In reply to Anna Rakovanová

Re: Julie - The Silent Way

von Julie Sedlářová -

Thank you for your comment, Anička :) I really like your idea with adding gestures and functional vocabulary to my key words. I'll do that.

In reply to Julie Sedlářová

Re: Julie - The Silent Way

von Natálie Morávková -

Dear Julča,


your observation sheet includes many information about this method and it really inspires me. It is well structured, I like that you put the list of the key word at the top of the sheet and then you continue with the principles and the advantages and disadvantages of this method.

When I look at your list of key words, there is only one thing which I missed and it is the inductive learning. I think that it is as typical for this method as student centered and student's discovering. 

What I really like is that your principles are really brief and clear and I agree wih them. I appraciate that you mentioned this point - activities - function of encouraging and shaping student oral response without oral instruction. This point is very important because the preparation for the lesson, which includes the preparation of the activities, is needed when the teacher does not speak. 

The list of the pros and cons is also well organized. I agree with your points and I would not add any other points. 

In reply to Julie Sedlářová

Re: Julie - The Silent Way

von Kateřina Kryllová -


I really like the clear structure of your observation sheet. Most of all I appreciate the fact that you summarized the activity we've done at the bottom of your list so that you knew exactly what was going on and how it is connected to the principles above. I believe your brief description will help you remember the details when you go through the sheet again in the future.

In your principles I found one I really like and didn't see in other sheets. It is the principle that says that "learner is an actor (not a listener)". With your permission, I'd like to use that in my OS.

I would like to ask you about one principle. You wrote that in The Silent Way there is an absence of correction. My notes say that there is a space for self-correction and correction of others. And in some cases, the T corrects his Ss by pointing (not praising!) at the student who used the correct form of whatever they are learning so that the others knew this was the correct form. I noticed this difference between our observation sheets and I wanted to know your opinion on it :) 

I have one more question. In the cons of this method you say that Ss have to be really active and focused. Would you tell me more about how you view this as a minus? 

Thank you for the opportunity to see your observation sheet! :)


In reply to Kateřina Kryllová

Re: Julie - The Silent Way

von Julie Sedlářová -

Dear Kačka,

thank you for your thought-through comment :) Sure, use whatever from my sheet in yours. I am glad that you found something new and interesting :)

To answer your first question – what I meant was that there is an absence of correction of the T. I just forgot to write it into my observation sheet, sorry. I will correct it. And yes, in my notes there is: " The T can just point at someone and nod to let them know they are right." So the told correction of the T is not there, but the T points at someone and lets them know that they said it right. I hope it makes sense now :)

To answer your second question – I see it as a con for Ss who are not focused all the time. They can get lost in the lesson and do not know what the T is talking about (or doing) and would be really hard for them to get on track again.