

von Tereza Velebilová -
Number of replies: 2


  • commands
  • imperative verbs
  • gestures
  • physical response
  • chunks
  • common classroom objects
  • focus on meaning
  • listening before speaking
  • cognitive map
Attachment tpr.jpg
In reply to Tereza Velebilová

Re: Tereza

von Šárka Michalová -

Dear Terka :)

I'm a big fan of your observation sheet structure. It's clearly arranged and each row represents the important aspect of the method. I like that you're thinking about the method from different points of view - from the teacher, from the students, you're considering different types of activities, materials. That's why it is so easy for me to read it a get your point.

I appreciate that you highlighted the key words in the 1st column which turns my attention to the relevant points. 

It's suitable giving examples of each point which you saw in the lesson - imperative verbs (2nd column: listen, open your book, look at the door ...)

I totally agree with your note about focus on meaning which is supported by physical activities (body movement, gestures). These notes bring me to your other points about commands and the use of imperative verbs by the teacher which occcured throughout the whole lesson. The one which I add to my list is comprehension precede production which is related to the focus on meaning before form.

I like that you mention in you observation sheets which roles do the T and the Ss represent (the Ss - listeners and performers, the T - direct and active role) because these were among my key words, so you can consider to add these,  if you like, too

From my point of view, the essential fact was also speaking when the Ss are ready which is connected to the stress-free environment which you mention at the bottom of the page.

Our thoughts could be seen very similar and that's why we have the key words almost the same.

Thank you for a lovely reading and the inspiration :)


In reply to Šárka Michalová

Re: Tereza

von Tereza Velebilová -

Dear Šárka,

thank you very much for your detailed feedback!
It is very helpful that you have mentioned the comprehension precede production because I think I have overlooked this one and I will definitely add it to my notes because as you say it kind of completes the fact of the focus on meaning.

It may be a good idea to add the roles of the T and Ss to my list of keywords but I have a similar problem as you have with fitting into the number of 10 keywords. I will consider giving it there with brackets 😉.

Thank you,
