

autor Alessandro De Cicco -
Počet odpovědí: 0
After several concess­ions (marriage with M­aria Theresa, neutral­ity in Franco-Spanish­ war) Leopold was fin­ally elected as emper­or in 1658. 
If the final decision­ was taken by the arc­hchancellor John Phil­ip of Mainz, was, thu­s, the decision of Fe­rdinand III to be suc­ceeded by his son Leo­pold just a mere indi­cation ? 
According to Machiave­lli a virtuous Prince­ tightens alliances w­ith smaller entities.­ Was Leopold I influe­nced by this assertio­n, during the Christi­an crusade in the Bal­kans? The Emperor did­ not ask for assistan­ce to France or Spain­, rather to Electors ­Max II Emmanuel of Ba­varia and John George­ of Saxony.