Title: Optimal age for retirement
Author: Viktória Antalicová

If you want to know when will be the right time to retire and if it is right now-watch this :)

Video (backup):


  • LWLucie Wintrová - neděle, 16. května 2021, 20.57
    I really liked the topic of your presentation and now I am very much looking forward to my retirement! :D
    Could you please explain once again what the variable q means in the mortality table on slide 12? You said it was the probability of a person of age x living in the age x+1, but if so, it seems very low to me.
  • KKKarolína Kučerová - pondělí, 17. května 2021, 17.20
    Thank you for your presentation. It is nice to know at least something about this topic and you've been able to explain it to me like no one else. Can I ask how would you count the number in order to take into consideration the health of the individual? Is there some exact number (age) which is taken as most common result of those calculations nowadays?
  • DRDavid Ryzák - pondělí, 17. května 2021, 17.33
    Everyone except the politicians should see this! I enjoyed your presentation, it was easy to follow and I would like to use this to calculate my own optimal age for retirement. However, the main functions f and phi will be probably a little different in thirty or forty years from these you presented, so I will do it later. The one thing I am not sure of is what does it mean to obtain the most benefits in the sense you said it? Does it mean maximizing the expected value of received finances or something else?
  • VNVojtěch Neumann - čtvrtek, 27. května 2021, 21.21
    Thank you for your presentation Viki! Is there any % upper limit when you postpone retirement? (as you said the increment 1,5% per 90 days) Or can it be even 100-200% increase?
  • DVDominik Vlajkov - pondělí, 31. května 2021, 10.05
    Thank you for this brilliant piece of work Viki! It was amazing.
    A question came up to my mind. What about non-binary people? Are we going to edit our mortality tables? There are differences between male and female mortality tables, so it could be different even for non-binary people. Reasons for the differences are not just biological, but also sociological etc, so maybe editing makes sense.
  • TTTereza Tichá - středa, 2. června 2021, 10.38
    Thank you for your nice presentation Viki! I really like the topic and it was so understendable for me :). Can you please one more time explain the second graph on the right side on the slide 14? I am not sure if I understand it correctly.
  • PVPetr Vejmělka - čtvrtek, 3. června 2021, 01.08
    Since this topic is quite close to my specialisation, I was glad to watch your presentation. You have already had many questions and so I am not going to ask any question. :D