Title: The vehicle routing problem
Author: Tereza Tichá

Hello everybody I invite you to watch my presentation about the vehicle routing problem. I hope that you will like it :)

Video (backup): Videosoubor (M4V) Ticha_Tereza.m4v


  • MKMartin Kuděj - neděle, 16. května 2021, 14.07
    Hi. Thank you for a decent talk about the vehicle routing problem, especially in terms of vocabulary you definitely did not pick the easiest topic. However, I am still confused about the mathematical model, as there were dozens of variables and soon I was lost about what does each variable stand for. Could you please explain that one more time and possibly also interpret the solution you computed in that particular example regarding those resaturants once again?
  • VNVojtěch Neumann - čtvrtek, 27. května 2021, 21.10
    Thank you for your presentation. Do you think this solution (algorithm) in the vehicle routing problem gives us the best possible outcome? Do you think all the biggest transport companies are using exactly this algorithm or can it still be optimized? Thank you :-)
  • VWVojtěch Wagner - středa, 2. června 2021, 22.49
    First, thank you for the sweet information-packed presentation. Secondly, I would like to ask whether you have personally seen the vehicle routing problem or some of its possible modifications implemented in a real company.
  • VAViktória Antalicová - čtvrtek, 3. června 2021, 10.12
    Thank you for your lovely presentation Terka. It was very understandable and you managed to fit in all the necessary information just so that one would understand the topic. I also really liked visualization of your presentation. I just have a simple question regarding slide 10. You mentioned that we want to maximize or minimize the function and then we have the inequality condition. Is there difference between the inequalities for minimizing and maximizing? If so which one does the written inequality represent?