Title: Random embeddings of a complete graph
Author: David Ryzák

Do you want to know how can you draw pictures randomly and what does it even mean to draw something randomly? Then look at this video and you will know.

Assumed knowledge: Graphs (planar graph, complete graph), discrete random variable and Poisson distribution

Video (backup): Videosoubor (MP4) Random embeddings of a complete graph.mp4


  • KKKarolína Kučerová - středa, 19. května 2021, 11.28
    Thank you for your lovely preentation. It is nice to see some utilisation of probability in something as nice as graph theory although I must admit I'm a little bit lost in this subject. I believe the main question was concerning only complete graphs. Is there some similarly nice interpretation for graphs which are not complete?
  • PVPetr Vejmělka - čtvrtek, 27. května 2021, 11.17
    Thank you for your presentation, it was an interesting mixture of graph theory and stochastics, which I did not know. You showed that Poisson distribution is appropriate for situations, where n is high. Is there anything what can be said for lower n?
  • VNVojtěch Neumann - čtvrtek, 27. května 2021, 20.16
    Thank you for a nice talk! Do you know how exactly is this used in some of the fields you have mentioned?