Title: Game theory
Author: Vojtěch Neumann

In this presentation, I will take you on a quick journey to the unknown world of game theory but don't be too scared, it is really playful. If you already have some experience in game theory, you won't learn anything new, but camera included *wink*

Video (backup): Videosoubor (MP4) Neumann.mp4


  • LWLucie Wintrová - sobota, 15. května 2021, 15.19
    What does it mean for a game to be asymmetric?
  • DRDavid Ryzák - pondělí, 17. května 2021, 12.57
    Thank you for your talk, it was quite nice introduction for a person with no background in this field because of great number of examples. However, I have studied it a little bit and I have to mention that John Nash proved even the stronger statement that each nonfinite game in normal (matrix) form has a Nash equilibrium, but in your talk it made sense to talk only about zero sum game in that part of talk.
    And I would like to ask if you think that Nash equilibrium is sufficiently good concept of "good solution" in a game? The question aim to the Prisoners dilemma where Nash equilibrium is certainly not best choice for both of the players.
    Thank you again for introducing game theory, because I really like this interdisciplinary branch of mathematics.
  • TTTereza Tichá - středa, 19. května 2021, 13.29
    Thank you for your presentation. It was very understandable and interesting for me. Could you please explain the difference between simultaneous and sequential games and provide it with some example?
  • DVDominik Vlajkov - úterý, 1. června 2021, 13.44
    Vojta, thank you for the presentation! I wish I watched this presentation before a job interview ;). I would like to ask you, do you know if football players have any insight to game theory? Do the best players choose their penalty strategy based on the game theory?
  • KKKarolína Kučerová - pátek, 4. června 2021, 12.56
    Thank you for your presentation, I've always wanted to know something more about game theory. How did you get to this subject? Are your studies focused on it?