Health: discussion in class
Požadavky na absolvování
Otevřené: pátek, 5. března 2021, 00.00
Termín: pátek, 12. března 2021, 00.00
Prepare for the discussion on health.
Consider questions - e.g.:
1) What do you do to stay healthy? Is it easy? What are the crucial things, in your opinion to achieve that?
2) Heathcare in your country: how do you evaluate it? Consider the benefits and drawbacks.
3) Reflect on healthcare and healthy lifestyle from the persepctive of your field. E.g. - psychological aspects of ill health. Economics/sociology - is health a class issue? Literature: works on health/illness you'd recommend etc.
6) Practice speaking aloud before class - to yourself, your cat/dog (pets are wonderful listeners! Cats tend to be a bit more critical, but dogs will absolutely admire whatever you say. Sorry for speciesist generalizations.)