Anthropology of Ritual
Section outline
Submit an annotation of 500 - 600 words on:
Gmelch, George. Baseball Magic. In: Spradley, J. P. - McCurdy, D. (eds.) 2012. Conformity and conflict: readings in cultural anthropology. 14th ed., p. 266 – 274.
Submit an annotation (500 - 600 words) on:
Dubisch, Jill. Run for the Wall: An American Pilgrimage. In: Spradley, J. P. - McCurdy, D. (eds.) 2012. Conformity and conflict: readings in cultural anthropology. 14th ed., p. 275 - 286.
As there are 8 annotations mandatory for this course, you can choose to skip this one. However, please try to have a look at the text anyway.
Please submit 500 words annotation on the ch. 14 Religion and Ritual, p. 209 - 226.
The text should serve us as a broader theoretical grounding for the case studies which would follow from the next week onwards.
Please submit an annotation (500 words) on:
Turner, Victor. 1969. Liminality and Communitas. In: Turner, V. The Ritual Process. Structure and Anti-Structure. Ithaca: Cornell University Press., p. 94-130.
7th week (9/4): Ritual as Social Glue. Ritual and social drama. Consolidation week. Sybmit delayed tasks in case you missed some and watch videos belows.
Watch a video of Richard Schechner (collaborator of V. Turner) explaining the concept of social drama which is often used in anthropological studies of ritual performance, e.g. in the Stephenson's article for the next week. No annotation needed.
Watch the video interview and write a 5 - 10 sentences feedback on it. Did you find it interesting? What particularly? Can you connect some of what was said to what you have already read?
Submit an annotation on:
Barry Stephenson. Ritual Negotiations in Lutherland. In: Husken, Ute – Neubert, Frank. 2011. Negotiating Rites. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press. p. 81 – 95.
Read the full article including Endnotes.
1) Introduce shortly the performances which Stephenson describes ethnographically.
Focus on how Stephenson interprets his data with:
1) efficacy - entertainment dyad
2) the concept of social drama
3) the concepts of Festivity, Carnival and Mimetic Play
4) What is author's conclusion?
Submit an annotation from:
Seidlová, Veronika. 2013 „Singing One’s Way out of Marginality? The Musical-Religious Activities of a Female Hindu Ascetic in Rishikesh, India” in Jurková, Z., Stellmacher, M., Skořepová, Z., Kuhnová, K., Seidlová, V. 2013. Tóny z okrajů: Hudba a marginalita/Sounds from the Margins. Praha: Kher, pp. 130-144.
E-book,also available free from:
After considering the list of articles uploaded in the 11th week, please write your choice of the article for your final PPT presentation in the Excel sheet uploaded in the MS Teams!
10th week (30/4): Ethnographic case study of a production of possession in a multi-national corporation in Malaysia
Ong, Aihwa. The Production of Possession: Spirits and the Multinational Corporation in Malaysia. American Ethnologist, Vol. 15, No. 1, Medical Anthropology (Feb., 1988), pp. 28-42. (This text is also an item of the CESS reading list.)
11th week (7/5): Select one text (ethnographic case study) from a variety of texts offered for this week, read and present it in a 10 min PPT presentation in the class. Friday 7/5 is the 1st term to present.
IDEALLY one of the chapters from the book Negotiating Rites (uploaded above in the task of annotation of Barry Stephenson). Recommended chapters to choose from: 2, 3, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13.
Requirements of the course: Minimum 500 words annotations of 6 assigned readings (except from the 1st week) uploaded in the moodle course page AND a presentation of a selected ethnographic case of a ritual performance interpreted with the help of theoretical concepts from mandatory readings.
Please choose one text (ethnographic case) from the readings offered in the 11th week onwards. Introduce the author and the contents of the text and try to link the text to other texts read in the course (theoretical concepts, ethnographic cases etc.). You are welcome to add your opinions, experiences or reflections. Just make sure that it is clear who is saying what and where. Use paraphrases and direct quotations with references to the exact page of the original, include the list of references.
Thank you very much for attending the course and hope to see you next semester!