Enrolment options

The aim of this course is to introduce MA students to the core aspects of the Just Transition, which relate to social protection and employment policies. The Just Transition refers to the shift that countries need to make from high- to low-carbon economies to reach the goal of net-zero carbon emissions, and in this process, considers the need to accommodate workers employed in affected
sectors. Students will be acquainted with the core preconditions that countries need to meet in order to make the transition towards a green economy just for workers. This includes strengthened social dialogue between representatives of governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations, active labor market policies and lifelong learning schemes that promote the creation of new skills, the creation of decent employment, policies that promote social inclusion and non-discrimination, as well as adequate social protection schemes to ensure income support for workers facing a transition. The main focus of the course will be on European regions, but we will make use of examples from other countries and regions as well.
Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)