Section outline

    • coach.png Credit and Exam

    • The exam in Didactics of sport starts on 14.12. 2020 exactly at 12:00 Central European Time.

      Please note that time is limited.

    • Seminar work

      Perform the analysis (Range max. 2-3 pages).

      You are coaches :-). Your task is to teach the athlete a specific skill (or skills). So choose suitable skills in your sport that can be taught in whole or in part.

      • Daniel (Daniil) - swimming
      • Quido - athletics
      • Frida - rhythmic gymnastics or Thai boxing (What would you like?)
      • Philip (Filippos) - tennis
      • Ali - football
      • Soni - ??? (I don't know what sport you know well. Please choose!)

      Try to find suitable examples of learning some motor skill (s) in your sport for each method (see the text "Exercise whole versus part")

      Describe how the selected skill will be taught. For which age group of athletes, what are their previous experiences? …

      Please send the work by email. The deadline is 14.12. 2020. I look forward to your interesting work!

    • What´s Didactics?

      Didactics is a theory of teaching, and in a wider sense, a theory and practical application of teaching and learning.

      (Greek: διδάσκειν didáskein, "to teach")

      Didactics of Sport?

      In sports practice, the Didactics of Physical Education and Sport we mainly deal with learning new movement skills.

      These skills can be divided into technical and tactical skills.

      Tactical skills depend on the specific type of sport, so we will not deal with their learning. We will focus mainly on the process of acquiring new motor (movement), technical skills.

    • Didactics generally answers two main questions: What to teach? How to teach it?

      What is about the content. 

      How is about a method (a way to teach).

      In Didactics (when teaching new movement skills), however, we ask more questions.


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      • Didactics
      • Kinanthropology
    • Coach-athlete_%20%282%29.jpg
      The most important for a successful training is  the mutual relationship between the coach and the athlete.
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       A good coach can change the game, a great coach can change a lifetime!   

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    • Read what requirements are generally placed on the coach.

    • Take a look at an interesting analysis and compare the education of future coaches and future teachers.

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    • The Puzzle

      What do you think? What impression do you have on the coach in the picture (his attitude, gestures)? Try to assign a trainer type to each image according to the Typology above.


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    • Which trait do you think is most important for a coach?

      [Choose one, maximum three most important traits.] palec.jpgpalec.jpgpalec.jpg

    • The most important points of individual periods of ontogenetic development. (What the coach should know :-) )

    • The 8 Stages of Human Development by Erik Erikson (optional):


    • The Seven Learning Styles

      • Visual (spatial):You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding.
      • Aural (auditory-musical): You prefer using sound and music.
      • Verbal (linguistic): You prefer using words, both in speech and writing.
      • Physical (kinesthetic): You prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch.
      • Logical (mathematical): You prefer using logic, reasoning and systems.
      • Social (interpersonal): You prefer to learn in groups or with other people.
      • Solitary (intrapersonal): You prefer to work alone and use self-study.
    • Find out your preferred learning style: (Free learning styles inventory, including graphical results)

      It is important to know what learning style each of your athletes prefers. Attention may not be the same as yours!

    • An interesting video on Schmidt's theory of motor learning.

    • How to do it? (Teaching new movement skills)

    • Will the athletes practice the skill as a whole or break it into parts? When and where to divide technical skills training?

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    • Based on long-term experience, it can be concluded that under certain circumstances the training process is more successful. These generalized findings can be summarized in certain "principles" that can help us achieve training effectiveness.