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Health Policy
Week 9: Host Lecture (Stefano Neri, Milano University, Italy)
Week 9: Host Lecture (Stefano Neri, Milano University, Italy)
Section outline
Week 8: Behavioural Insights: health literacy (Lecture by Radek Kovács)
Week 10: Host Lecture (Stefano Neri, Milano University, Italy)
Select activity Reading for the lecture
Reading for the lecture
Select activity Presentation
Week 8: Behavioural Insights: health literacy (Lecture by Radek Kovács)
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Page d'accueil du cours
Week 1: Healthcare Systems Opening (Lecture)
Week 2: Comparative Health System Activity (home preparation)
Week 3: Healthcare Systems Typology (Lecture)
Week 4: Healthcare system challenges: Health Workforce (Seminar)
Week 5: Activity 1: student teams’ presentation and discussion (Seminar)
“OECD: Health at a Glance 2023" (Lecture by Lucie Bryndová, OECD Paris)
Week 7: Comparing Health Systems: International Sources of Data (Online Seminar)
Week 8: Behavioural Insights: health literacy (Lecture by Radek Kovács)
Week 10: Host Lecture (Stefano Neri, Milano University, Italy)
Week 11: National Bank Holiday (NO LECTURE, NO SEMINAR)
Week 12: National Bank Holiday (NO LECTURE, NO SEMINAR)
Week 13: Czech Health System (Closing seminar)
Semestrial Project
Forming and enrolling in groups
Sumbission room for COMMENTARY
Sumbission room for DRAFT overview
Sumbission room for FINAL overview
Sumbission room for PRESENTATION
Submission room for List of Indicators
Submission room for Literature Review
Submission room for Report
Submission room for Review of assigned project
Submission room for Review of Reports - Ngwentah
Submission room for Ellen Kulhmann's activity - Ngwentah
Week 10: Host Lecture (Stefano Neri, Milano University, Italy)