Osnova sekce

    • Think of the last time you wrote something. How did you go about it? Briefly describe the steps you took. 

      Were they useful? Would you change anything?


    • Try to order the various steps of the phases of the writing process.

    • When you need to come up with ideas, how do you go about it?

      Do you list your ideas? Do you write freely? Do you use mind maps to connect your ideas?

      Please chat about it with your peers here. Certainly, there will be someone who has used these techniques.

    • What's the Topic?

      Read these articles quickly and say their topics in one phrase.

    • Write your answers about the topics here.

      Comment on the answers of other groups/students.

    • You can check the topics of the articles here. The headings will help you.

      Were you right in your estimate?

    • You can learn more about the strategies to gather ideas using this link.

    • Read 3 pages of an academic text related to your study programme.

      • Underline the main points and ideas.
      • Write down the key words you encounter.
      • Then narrow the topic for a paragraph. It means you are expected to come up with a new topic which would be appropriate for one paragraph. You can check if it is a suitable topic by asking "Will I be able to write 5 - 10 sentences about it?".
      • Finally, complete the pre-writing phase using the techniques of freewriting, making a list, or mapping, incl. editing. Editing means that you select the ideas you are going to include in your writing.
      • Submit a photo of your work or a document here.