Osnova sekce

  • Unit 1

    • Do the vocabulary exercises on p. 12 in our textbooks. Then complete these questions with problem or trouble.

    • Do the vocabulary exercises on p. 12 in our textbooks. Then complete these questions with affect or effect.

    • Read the article on pp. 18 and 19 and answer the questions in exercise 7 on p. 19. Do not write more than 250 words. Deadline: March 12, 11 p.m. After you publish your ideas, choose 1 of your colleagues' answers and react to it (again, no more than 250 words). 2nd deadline: March  19, 11 p.m.

    • Study the rules for making comparisons on p. 16 and p. 100. Prepare your answers for our next session (Week 3: October 20).

    • Unit 1 - Listening: Look at exercises 1-5 on pp. 8-9 and complete your answers to the listening comprehension tasks. Check your answers with the key.

      Track 1

    • Please read the text on organic food p.18-19. Do the activities, write down problematic vocabulary (new to you, or interesting but not in your active vocabulary range). Be able to summarize the text. Prepare for discussion about organic food and related issues. E.g. Do you buy organic food? Do you pay attention to the ethical considerations about food production? If yes, what kind? Some complain food used to be better back then - do you agree that food quality is deteriorating? etc. Consider questions to your colleagues.