Topic 6: Online dictionaries; Strategies of dealing with unknown vocabulary.
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This week find another academic text from your field of study (10-20 standard pages).
Focus on vocabulary: underline, check with a dictionary.
Prepare a word document with copied extracts/sentences from your text containing 10-15 new/inspiring/useful/academic words from your text. Highlight the new vocabulary and translate it into Czech.
Write a short summary (150 -200 words) of the whole text in Czech or English. Include it in one document together with the vocabulary.
Upload the original text (ideally with the highlighted words - depending on your technological possibilities).
Create a quiz in the quizlet app and share it via the forum with your groupmates.
Practice the Academic Word List vocabulary (sublists 1-5) and get ready for a short online quiz.
Please upload a document containing the extracts from the text containing the 10-15 new/inspiring/useful/academic words which you have highlighted. In the same document, include a summary of the second text you have found for this course. Write ca 150-2O0 words. Write your summary in English unless you prepare for the Academic Reading exam; in that case, use Czech in order to practice for the exam. Please follow the same guidelines as in the previous summary. Make sure your text is spell-checked. Please upload your original text (or a link) as well as your summary.
Use this app (or any other app you are used to) to create a deck of flashcards to memorize the new vocabulary. Post the link of the deck that you created to this forum. Deadline: March 31, 11 p.m. Go through your colleagues' decks by April 5. Write a brief comment comparing your set of words with the others. Which were the most important words for you in your colleagues' quizlets?
Enter your regular reflections on your reading progress/English usage here.
Test your knowledge of the vocabulary from Academic Sublist 1 through this short quiz. By March 31, 11 p.m.
I have prepared this quiz for you to check how well you are familiar with sublists 2-5 of the academic word list. Deadline: March 31, 11 p.m.