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Open course index
Mediální a komunikační studia
Media and Culture Reading - Popular Culture
1 March: Memory and History - Seminal Ideas in the Study of the Collective Memory
1 March: Memory and History - Seminal Ideas in the Study of the Collective Memory
Section outline
22 February: Media and Memory in Old and New Media Age
8 March: Cultural Memory
Select activity Seminar meet.google.com/vhg-siye-inrMobile phone...
Mobile phone: (US) +1 336-663-2170
PIN: 266 715 274#
Select activity Assigned reading - Joan Garde Hannsen
Assigned reading - Joan Garde Hannsen
22 February: Media and Memory in Old and New Media Age
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15 February: Kick-off Meeting
22 February: Media and Memory in Old and New Media Age
8 March: Cultural Memory
15 March: Television and Collective Memory
22 March: Television Temporality
29 March: Collective Memory as a Carrier of Nostalgia
5 April: Post-socialist nostalgia
12 April: Collective Memory as a carrier of trauma
19 April: Class cancelled
26 April: Memory and produsage
3 May: Collective Memory in the Digital Age
10 May: Student presentations
8 March: Cultural Memory