Section outline

  • Zde je presentace obsahujici nasledujici:

    1. shrnuti nejdulezitejsich bodu kurzu

    2. Info o metodach vyzkumu v mentoringu

    3. Otazky pro vasi esej s deadlinem 16.12.2020

    4. Pozvanku na webinar pristi st 9.12. od 9.30 a info o dalsich lekcich do konce kurzu

    Pozvanka na Webinar ECEB Mentoring: 8.12.2020 v 14.30 - 16.00

    We are inviting you to attend a webinar on the 8th of December at 15:30h CET. This session is meant to be like an echo of the Summit. During the event, we realised how much we had to learn from Dr Bernadine Brady and Prof. Pat Dolan's work. That's why they will be our guests next week! With them, we will talk about "The importance of being present: Reflections on the importance of relationships in youth mentoring". So if you don't want to miss this opportunity, click this link and save the date! 

    • Dobrý den studenti,

      zde jsou některé články pro podporu vašich referencí v eseji. Prosím, nezapomeňte, že esej a vaše další krátké eseje máte odevzdat nejpozději zítra 16.12.2020