Osnova sekce

    • Hereby, the presentation n. 8 with a new task.

    • Development of Sport

      Find a source regarding a development plan of a sport (federation or similar) or regarding sport policy (of a country, a sport body, etc.). It can be a speach , a yearbook, or a different source. You may use and combine more sources.
      Write a short text regarding your source, comment on it. It can have a form of an essay.
      Add five questions you would ask a reader after reading your paper.

      Upload/send an own text (. odt , docx , .rtf, or .pdf), Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 lines, of more than two pages, max. five pages.
      The content and grammatical correctness of the text shall be regarded do not use any translator (they do it incorrectly).
      Use references and make a list of references at the end (not calculated in the limits above). Try to follow the advice from https://ftvs.cuni.cz/FTVS 161.html.

      Time limit for uploading: the 15th of April, 2020, 23:00.