31. März - 6. April
Section outline
Write a short text regarding chosen economic (or financial) problems in sport. They
can regard some incomes, budgets, financing, sponsoring, marketing,
management… They do not need to be too much in detail; you can also make an
essay commenting them.
Upload/send an own text (. odt , docx , .rtf, or .pdf), Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5
lines, of more than two pages, max. five pages.
The content and grammatical correctness of the text shall be regarded do not use
any translator (they do it incorrectly).
Use references and make a list of references at the end (not calculated in the limits
above). Try to follow the advice from https://ftvs.cuni.cz/FTVS 161.html.
Time limit for uploading: the 7th of April, 2020 , 23:00