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Modern History of the Caucasus
5. The First Transcaucasian Political Union, April-May 1918 (Brisku)
5. The First Transcaucasian Political Union, April-May 1918 (Brisku)
Section outline
4. The Caucasus under Tsarist Rule in the “Long Nineteenth-Century” (Brisku)
6. Three Independent South Caucasus Republics, 1918-1920(1) (Brisku)
Select activity • Brisku, Adrian & Timothy K. Blauvelt, “Who Wanted the TDFR: The Making and the Breaking of Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic”,
• Brisku, Adrian & Timothy K. Blauvelt, “Who Wanted the TDFR: The Making and the Breaking of Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic”,
Отслеживание выполнения
Students must
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Select activity • Brisku, Adrian “The Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic as a ‘Georgian’ Responsibility”,
• Brisku, Adrian “The Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic as a ‘Georgian’ Responsibility”,
Отслеживание выполнения
Students must
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Select activity • Mamoulia, Georges, “Azerbaijan and the Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic: Historical Reality and Possibility”,
• Mamoulia, Georges, “Azerbaijan and the Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic: Historical Reality and Possibility”,
Отслеживание выполнения
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Select activity • Slye, Sarah, “Turning Towards Unity: A North Caucasian Perspective on the Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic”
• Slye, Sarah, “Turning Towards Unity: A North Caucasian Perspective on the Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic”
Отслеживание выполнения
Students must
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Select activity • Zolyan, Mikayel, “Between Empire and Independence: Armenia and the Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic” in Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic, 1918: Federal Aspirations, Geopolitics and National Projects,
• Zolyan, Mikayel, “Between Empire and Independence: Armenia and the Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic” in Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic, 1918: Federal Aspirations, Geopolitics and National Projects,
Отслеживание выполнения
Students must
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4. The Caucasus under Tsarist Rule in the “Long Nineteenth-Century” (Brisku)
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1. Introduction (Brisku & Panahova)
2. Conceptualizing the Caucasus (Brisku)
3. The Political History of Caucasus from the Medieval to Early Modern Periods (Brisku)
4. The Caucasus under Tsarist Rule in the “Long Nineteenth-Century” (Brisku)
6. Three Independent South Caucasus Republics, 1918-1920(1) (Brisku)
7. The Caucasus in the Soviet Union, 1921-1991 (Panahova)
8. Post-Soviet Azerbaijan (Panahova)
9. Post-Soviet Georgia (Panahova)
10. Post-Soviet Armenia (Panahova)
11. The North-Eastern Caucasus: Dagestan, Chechnya and Ingushetia (Panahova)
12. The Post-Soviet North-Western Caucasus: Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachaevo-Cherkessia and Adygea (Panahova)
Presentation criteria: 40% of the overall grade or 40 out of 100 points
Class Participation Evaluation: 20% of the overall grade or 20 out of 100 points
Final Papers Submission (31.05.2025) - 40% of the overall grade or 40 out of 100 points
6. Three Independent South Caucasus Republics, 1918-1920(1) (Brisku)