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Audiovizuální esej
Haptická tendence
Haptická tendence
Section outline
Filmová věda v audiovizuální podobě
Mediálně-reflexivní tendence
Select activity Haptická tendence
Haptická tendence
Отслеживание выполнения
Students must
Mark as done
Select activity Christian Keathley: La caméra stylo: Notes on video criticism and cinephilia
Christian Keathley: La caméra stylo: Notes on video criticism and cinephilia
Отслеживание выполнения
Students must
Mark as done
Select activity Catherine Grant: The Shudder of a Cinephiliac Idea? Videographic Film Studies Practice as Material Thinking
Catherine Grant: The Shudder of a Cinephiliac Idea? Videographic Film Studies Practice as Material Thinking
Отслеживание выполнения
Students must
Mark as done
Select activity Catherine Grant: Déjà-Viewing? Videographic Experiments in Intertextual Film Studies
Catherine Grant: Déjà-Viewing? Videographic Experiments in Intertextual Film Studies
Отслеживание выполнения
Students must
Mark as done
Select activity Catherine Grant: Star Studies in Transition
Catherine Grant: Star Studies in Transition
Отслеживание выполнения
Students must
Mark as done
Select activity Laura U. Marks: The Skin of the Film
Laura U. Marks: The Skin of the Film
Отслеживание выполнения
Students must
Mark as done
Select activity Laura Mulvey: Cinematic Gesture: The Ghost in the Machine
Laura Mulvey: Cinematic Gesture: The Ghost in the Machine
Отслеживание выполнения
Students must
Mark as done
Select activity Catherine Grant - Christian Keathley: The Use of an Illusion: Childhood cinephilia, object relations, and videographic film studies
Catherine Grant - Christian Keathley: The Use of an Illusion: Childhood cinephilia, object relations, and videographic film studies
Отслеживание выполнения
Students must
Mark as done
Select activity Adrian Martin - Cristina Álvarez López: Writing in Images and Sounds
Adrian Martin - Cristina Álvarez López: Writing in Images and Sounds
Отслеживание выполнения
Students must
Mark as done
Filmová věda v audiovizuální podobě
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Úvod: Co je audiovizuální esej?
Zrození audiovizuálních esejí z ducha avantgardy
Filmová věda v audiovizuální podobě
Mediálně-reflexivní tendence
Projekce: Jako z filmu (Tomáš Svoboda, 2016)
Mediálně-reflexivní tendence