Section outline

  • EUROPEAN INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE 1 - re-use, conversions, materiality and heritage value


    1) Leilei Li & Dietrich Soyez (2017) Transnationalizing industrial heritage valorizations in Germany and China – and addressing inherent dark sides, Journal of Heritage Tourism, 12:3, 296-310,
    2) write a short resume of the paper - prepare a description (short presentation?) of a case study from your home country
    1. national vs transnational industrial heritage - meaning of the notion; scalar and geographical hierarchies
    2. heroism - national heroes vs transnational ones, engineers and inventors vs workers
    3. industrial heritage value - autheticity? reuse and conversions ?
    4. European vs non-european perspective on industrial heritage - Correspondence and differences
    5. Industrial heritage in context - your short examples - focus on valorization and try to generalize