Section outline


      1) TECHNOLOGY AS IDENTITY : the place of technologies in European identity projects (regional – local – national - paneuropean / urban - rural)

      2) TECHNOLOGICAL BUILDING OF EUROPE the role of technologies in the Making of Europe (technologies as co-producers of identity-space -  a historical perspective)

      3) TECHNOLOGY AS (EUROPEAN) HERITAGE the representation of technology in Cultural Heritage (how technology is represented)

      4) CONSERVATION TECHNOLOGY Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage (technologies of heritage conservation)

      5) DIGITAL (EUROPEAN) HERITAGE Technology as a tool of heritigization – pros and cons (technologies of heritage representation)


    Each class divided into three blocs:

    1.Lecture (30 min)
    2.„CONCEPT“ (event, process, idea) (30 min)
    3.Debate (readings : ca 30 pages per class; 30 min)
    4. Field trips : National Museum of Technology; Prague industrial Heritage - Karlin district; Prague Industrial Heritage- Water Infrastructures … open to suggestions

    1) Attendance

    Participation on seminars is compulsory. More than two missed classes automatically result in a failing grade.

    2) Class participation  (2 in-class tests + Reporting) (50%)

    Students are responsible for reading the required material prior to  the class for which it has been assigned. Readings serve as a basis for class discussions. Thoughtful reading of the assigned texts is a fundamental requirement of the course and COULD be tested (two short in-class tests). Assigned readings can be found on the Moodle (ca 30 pages per week). Ocassionally, one reporter will be assigned for some papers, who summarizes text and opens the debate with 3 questions/topics.

    3) Term Paper (50%)

    Each student has to submit a term paper - an essay on the subject agreed with the lecturer of the course; deadline for the selection of the topic is April 15th. Students must submit their papers by email by mid June at the latest. The required length is 3000 words for MA students, 1000 for undergraduates.

         - Full bibliography 

         - Style : see

         - Topic : you may use your reports (books, papers you reported on)

                       1.Undergraduates : Extended Book Review, 1000 words

                        2. MA students (incl. TEMA, SOKD) : Essay, 3000 words

          - Deadlines:

                  Topic selection– 15th of April

                  Submisson – 15th of June; early submission (before 5th of May) = credits at last session

    Jira Janac

    1) academic books

    Adas, Michael. Machines As the Measure of Men: Science, Technology, and Ideologies of Western Dominance. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1989.

    Calligaro, Oriane. Negotiating Europe: Eu Promotion of Europeanness Since the 1950s. New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

    Cipolla, Carlo M. The Industrial Revolution. London: Collins/Fontana, 1973.

    Czierpka, Juliane, Kathrin Oerters, a Nora Thorade. Regions, Industries and Heritage: Perspectives on Economy, Society and Culture in Modern Western Europe. New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, , 2015.

    Delanty, Gerard. The European Heritage: A Critical Re-Interpretation. London : New York Routledge , 2018.

    Egberts, Linde. Chosen Legacies: Heritage in Regional Identity. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2017.

    Egberts, Linde, a Koos Bosma. Companion to European Heritage Revivals. Dordrecht : Springer Open, 2014.

    Falser, Michael. Cultural Heritage As Civilizing Mission: From Decay to Recovery. Cham, 2015.

    Fox, Alan. History and Heritage: The Social Origins of the British Industrial Relations System. London: Allan & Unwin, 1986.

    Fragner, Benjamin, a Vladislava Valchářová. Průmyslové Dědictví - 2: Ve Vzduchoprázdnu Mezi Profesionály a Amatéry. Praha: Výzkumné centrum průmyslového dědictví Fakulty architektury ČVUT v Praze ve spolupráci s Kolegiem pro technické památky ČSSI & ČKAIT a British Council, 2010.

    Fragner, Benjamin. Průmyslové ědictví: Industrial Heritage. Praha: ČVUT, 2008.

    Harrison, R., a Schofield, J. After modernity. Archaeological approaches to the contemporary past. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.

    Ifko, Sonja, a Marko Stokin. Protection and Reuse of Industrial Heritage: Dilemmas, Problems, Examples. Ljubljana: ICOMOS SLovenija - Slovensko nacionalno združenje za spomenike in spomeniška območja, 2017.

    Ira, Jaroslav, a Jiři Janáč. Materializing Identities in Socialist and Post-Socialist Cities. Praha: Karolinum, 2018.

    Jørgensen, Caspar. Industrial Heritage in Denmark: Landscapes, Environments and Historical Archaeology. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2014.

    Macdonald, Sharon. Memorylands: Heritage and Identity in Europe Today. New York : Routledge, , 2013.

    Making of Europe book series, New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013-2016.

    Kaiser, Wolfram, and J W. Schot. Writing the Rules for Europe: Experts, Cartels, and International Organizations. , 2014.

    Oldenziel, Ruth, and Mikael Hård. Consumers, Tinkerers, Rebels: The People Who Shaped Europe. , 2013

    Diogo, Maria P, and Dirk . Laak. Europe Globalizing: Mapping, Exploiting, Exchanging. , 2016

    Högselius, Per, A Kaijser, and Erik . Vleuten. Europe's Infrastructure Transition: Economy, War, Nature. , 2016.

    Fickers, Andreas, and Pascal Griset. Communicating Europe: Technologies, Information, Events. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.

    Kohlrausch, Martin, and Helmuth Trischler. Building Europe on Expertise: Innovators, Organizers, Networkers. , 2014.

    Oevermann, Heike, a Harald A. Mieg. Industrial Heritage Sites in Transformation: Clash of Discourses. , 2017.

    Patel, Kiran K. The Cultural Politics of Europe: European Capitals of Culture and European Union Since 1980. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2013.

    Peckham, Robert S. Rethinking Heritage: Cultures and Politics in Europe. London: I.B. Tauris, 2003.

    Pollard, Sidney. Integration of the European Economy Since 1815. Place of publication not identified: Routledge, 2015.

    Preite, Massimo. Towards a European Heritage of Industry. Arcidosso (GR) [i.e. Grosseto, Italy: Effigi, 2014.

    Soyez, Dietrich. Europeanizing Industrial Heritage in Europe: Addressing its Transboundary and Dark Sides. Geographische Zeitschrift. 97, 2009, 43-55.

    Van, Horssen J, and Graeme Wynn. A Town Called Asbestos: Environmental Contamination, Health, and Resilience in a Resource Community. 2016.

    Wicke, Christian, Stefan Berger, and Jana Golombek. Industrial Heritage and Regional Identities. 2018.

    Xie, Philip F. Industrial Heritage Tourism. Bristol: Channel View Publications, 2015.


    2) journals

    Anthropological Journal of European Cultures

    International Journal of Heritage Studies

    3) online resources - European digital museum for science and technology