Тема Название Описание
Страница Course completion requirements
22.2.2024 Local government in the UK (Alistair Jones) Файл Local Governance in England
Файл Local Government in England
7.3.2024 Introduction, the role of local self-government in Europe, Local government in the Czech Republic (Petr Jüptner) Файл Introduction + the role of local self-governments in Europe
Файл Typologies of local self-government systems in Europe
Файл Typology of LGS in Central and Eastern Europe (P. Swianiewicz)
21.3.2024 Incumbency advantage in case of mayors (Jakub Čapek) Файл Incumbency advantage in the case of mayors
Файл Incumbent´s advantage in slovak cities
Файл Non-competitive Elections at the Local Level and the Incumbency Advantage of Mayors
4.4.2024 Local government in the Czech Republic, Local government in Austria, Local Government in Switzerland (Petr Jüptner) Файл Local government in the Czech Republic
Файл Endangered Municipalities ? Case Study of Three Small and Critically Indebted Czech Municipalities
Файл Local government in Austria
Файл Austria - lowering voting age to 16 1/2
Файл Austria - lowering voting age to 16 2/2
Файл Local government in Switzerland
Файл The Influence of Direct Democracy on Political Interest, Electoral Turnout and Other Forms of Citizens’ Participation in Swiss Municipalities
18.4.2024 Local government in Germany (Jochen Franzke) Файл Local governance in Germany
Файл Local democracy in Germany
Файл Germany. A variety of local elections in a federal system
Файл Multi-level responses to COVID-19: crisis coordination in Germany from an intergovernmental perspective