Summer Term 2024, Mondays 15:50–17:20
Course number: AAALC036AE
Room: P001
Credit value: 5 ECTS
Content and aims of the course: The seminar will introduce students to some of the female Irish writers dominating the anglophone literary scene in recent years, bring attention to a variety of issues that they address, as well as outline the ongoing discussion of Irish women’s writing in literary studies. Furthermore, it aims to suggest some trends emerging in contemporary Irish women’s writing, including a preoccupation with space and place, a tendency to reappropriate age old imagery, a focus on character driven writing, and an opening up of themes such as social inequality, gender identity, trauma, and plurality of experience.
The course will start with an introductory session giving a brief summary of Irish women writing’s history and the status of women writers in Ireland now. Selected works of fiction and drama will be discussed in the following ten weeks. Each session will feature a brief introduction to the author and her works, a student presentation on one of the assigned texts, and a discussion aided by prompt questions (posted beforehand by the lecturers and students in a
Moodle forum).
1. Regular attendance
2. Active participation in debates (based on the assigned reading), as well as participation in the weekly forum (posting a question related to the assigned reading)
3. A fifteen–minute, in-class presentation on the text provided for the week’s session
4. A final essay of 2,500–3,000 words on a topic chosen by the student and consulted with the lecturers
Essays must include full bibliographical references and footnotes for all works cited or paraphrased in accordance with the Notes and Bibliography Chicago style (for basic guidelines, see Students are advised not to use Internet sources in place of adequately researching texts available in print or in academic digital collections.
Essays that have no research base or fail to cite sources transparently and appropriately (i.e., are plagiarised) will not be graded and will result in failing the course. Should an essay be unsatisfactory for reasons other than plagiarism, students have the opportunity to submit a rewrite on condition that the rewritten work is submitted with the marked original.