13:02:34 From Pamela Danielle Cotte : What are the origins of the name Bohemia? 13:02:58 From Vojtěch Hořánek : Celtic tribe 13:03:45 From Pamela Danielle Cotte : 19 October 2020 US elections https://news.yahoo.com/whos-undecided-donald-trumps-toughest-090009342.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9zZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAErvMKSFBUVDCLP7AQ88W3zFjGDPIm77B4-IIYHBX5GwbwzvtUOo8icKvUtQmpEKuJdfNjhC4BILLJAkuptOMxQXCMT8OHP_3HXxxTOO0vVOVpI42cUqpCDxTm9mbqyPbAV-sbyc16wKp_7TEcHJ3JsnTvNIWnwLQ02AmYFU-5sb&guccounter=2 Celtic settlement map https://64.media.tumblr.com/f68233a433d6e22f85b075bd08c0ecb1/tumblr_mos38zOcfH1rasnq9o1_1280.jpg Halloween history https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-VRAemIvbI https://www.history.com/topics/halloween/history-of-halloween?li_source=LI&li_medium=m2m-rcw-history It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown intro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRGkEDADmRU 13:05:48 From Dori Šupíková : but there is echo :/ 13:21:28 From Pamela Danielle Cotte : the working class 13:21:36 From Pamela Danielle Cotte : the main goals are the following 13:21:46 From Pamela Danielle Cotte : the main outcomes are the following 13:22:20 From David Konrád : This is a hard topic to cover in such a short time, but I would like to clarify that they are mainly supported by far right anti-globalization groups. Saying that they are supported by the entire spectrum is in my opinion misleading. 13:22:35 From David Konrád : But except that it was a really good job 13:23:16 From Dori Šupíková : good point David, thank you :) 13:31:45 From Pamela Danielle Cotte : Are you good at paraphrasing? 13:31:48 From Pamela Danielle Cotte : no 13:37:44 From Pamela Danielle Cotte : Paraphrasing and summarizing: strategies for changing language Paraphrases and summaries should consist mostly of your own original language. The following strategies can be useful: Reword a phrase Change a clause to an adverb (e.g. unnecessary replaces the phrase that they do not need) Use a synonym (you can find these in a thesaurus) Change a verb form (e.g. causes people to buy instead of results in people buying) Change the order of ideas in a sentence (when this is possible it sometimes helps with rewording) Source: Cambridge Academic English Advanced, Hewings and Thaine Task: Paraphrase the following excerpts from the introduction of the book Why Europe Matters (McCormack, J., Why Europe Matters, Palgrave MacMillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK, 2013) 1 Integration has helped mould Europe into a peaceful and peacemaking example in a world where many retain an unhealthy fascination with military power. 13:50:30 From Klara Dubravcikova 葵烺 : Klára and Jakub: While other states were captivated with military power, Europe became an example of a peaceful and peacemaking region due to the integration processes that had taken place among the European nations. 13:50:30 From Vojtěch Hořánek : Whereas major part of the world is influenced by the cult of military might, Europe turned up into peaceful and peacemaking actor caused by the integration. 13:50:33 From Jan Trojáček : Europe was transformed by the integration into conciliating place that still contains improper obsession with military power. 13:50:36 From Sára Štěpánová : In a world fascinated with military power, Europe remains an island od peacefulness and the example of peacemaking thanks to integration, which helped to shape Europe such way (McCormack, 2013) 13:50:51 From Helena Králová : Whereas large part of countries in the world is still involved in military affairs Europe because of integration process achieve to peaceful resolution. 13:52:01 From Veronika Mácová : Dori and Veronika : European Integration is viewed as peaceful and peacemaking examples in the world altough where the others states keep unhealthy with military fascination. 13:53:11 From David Konrád : Europe became a role model of avoiding conflict thanks to a integration nonviolent negotiations in a context of a world where the military has a strong position within the mentality of people. 14:09:21 From Pamela Danielle Cotte : 5 minute break until 2:13 14:25:52 From Pamela Danielle Cotte : The amount of people, that... 14:36:26 From Eva Skácelíková : The numbers are quite stable over time. 14:36:52 From Eva Skácelíková : test 14:37:39 From David Konrád : We may observe a slight decline of inequality over the last 8 years. (according to Eurostat) 14:38:18 From Anna Šedinová : Czech Republic shows steady coefficients in 2018 and 2019 according to Eurostat. 14:38:21 From Vojtěch Hořánek : There is sharp rise in Bulgaria, in comparison to other countries. 14:38:22 From Dori Šupíková : There have been a steady rise of inequality in majority of EU states 14:38:23 From David Velner : Table shows that by the year 2011 gini coeficcient slightly decreased over 8 following years. 14:38:50 From Pamela Danielle Cotte : In the Gini coefficient higher numbers mean more inequality. 14:39:56 From Tomáš Fencl : From selected members of EU, Bulgaria has experienced highest Gini coefficient growth between 2011 and 2019. 14:39:58 From Anna Šedinová : France shows gradual decrease each year since 2011 according to Eurostat. 14:40:15 From Jan Trojáček : The table shows gradual decline in Gini coefficients over years for Poland. 14:40:16 From Helena Králová : According to data, Germany and Croatia have similar Gini coefficients in 2019. Suprisingly, Croatia seems to be more equal. 14:40:20 From Sára Štěpánová : The numbers in Czech Republic show a slight drop in 2018 on the value of 24.0 which has been kept ever since. 14:40:29 From Klara Dubravcikova 葵烺 : What can be seen in this table is the gradual decline in Gini coefficient of most EU members. 14:42:23 From Jakub Veřtát : Gini index in Austria remained relatively stable around the level of 27.4 in past 9 years.